Contact information of Blue Cross of California

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Conatct detail of Blue Cross of California

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    5000 East Spring Street, No-390, Long Beach, CA 90815, United States

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    +1 800-211-9693

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comments (25) on Blue Cross of California

Living Trust Fund violations recoup counterclaims for contract money t

Posted on May 24, 2018 at 09:29 AM

Ezra Johnson Anthony Jr says: Applicable from the Contract of Marriage 
Rose Nell Anthony USAF under graduation an Ezra Johnson Anthony U.S.Navy the tax credit rule Retroactive discrimination indemnity compensation Land Owner Military Bond certification Military marriage 1959 LNAS witness 122th AKTRON Lawman Peter Welch of Welchs Grape Corporations equity of 1959 warrants over time funded marriage GIBill Universal equitable title Military Comptrollers since 1959 legal incomes at the 24 months are in allowance of Federal Tax Credit rule of $60,000. For the IRS to adjustment legal income to $125,000.00 par day to per months incontestability Claused U.S.Navy executive branch Westpac Atlantpac AMFAC Mainland Federal Bank member ID#203388 008

Living Trust Fund violations recoup counterclaims for contract money t

Posted on May 23, 2018 at 09:57 PM

Ezra Johnson Anthony Jr says: Time conversion of Properties value as pre-existing equitable Title MFG means agreed upon 1955 land Grants in aid U.S.Navy to issued as SSA Personal income per month to Ezra Johnson Anthony Jr U.S.Saving Bonds ANTHO-XC-22-310-509 MM-289-32-32 ANTHE*M765 XC-38-64-1840 XC-28-196-750.HH Victory Bonds conversion 996x6x267,500=$1,598,580,000.00.

Living Trust Fund violations recoup counterclaims for contract money t

Posted on May 23, 2018 at 09:54 PM

Ezra Johnson Anthony Jr says: Exclusive Dealings Contracts Equity Properties
Edu-Insurance military Bonds career military Bonds MFG properties converting in revolving personal income indemnity compensation agreed in 1955 U.S.Navy GI Bill reinstatement in only son Ezra Johnson Anthony Jr. A Confirmed Power of Attorney General title 5-6-7-10-22-38 Grants in Aid issurance unlimited financial proposal discovery consummate properties as legal monthly payments to Ezra Johnson Anthony Jr great than $5 million per month. Fellow Grantee legal heir of King Phillip of England Justice Clearance Thomas Warrant for Programs California Special Benefits Program 5679079108 Arizona Special Benefits  Program D02642060 Washington Special Benefits Program 100060103WA Kentucky Special Benefits Program 0334487360 all states have federal benefits. Title-5 Military administrator Equity $3 million Title-6 military legal entitlement to adequate compensation  in unlimited Title-7 federal farm equity relief Act Texas Special Benefits Program eligible over Universal agent indemnity compensation owed.

Living Trust Fund violations recoup counterclaims for contract money t

Posted on May 23, 2018 at 09:50 PM

Ezra Johnson Anthony Jr says: Re: H.R.2317 - 100th Congress (1987-1988): A bill to amend title I of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 and the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to recognize as an exception to applicable anti-alienation and preemption provisions State court judgments, decrees, or orders recognizing or creating in the employer or assigning to the employer a right to an employee's accrued retirement benefit as an equitable remedy under State law for criminal fraud or theft. | | Library of Congress Due Process adequate Grants in Aid.
Equitable remedies.

Living Trust Fund violations recoup counterclaims for contract money t

Posted on May 23, 2018 at 09:46 PM

Ezra Johnson Anthony Jr says: 38 U.S. Code § 3722 - Veterans Housing Benefit Program Fund for Grants in Aid Package median of Properties in high market value California Eligible for Grants.4765 East Cetti 93702 $167,500 656 Bullard 93706 $550,000 out of Pocket expense account allowance from ACCT 3715 726549 81009 Return on Capital.$110,160 deposits needed Reinstatement per day to pay Ezra J. Anthony revolving federal deaths benefits under CSAA-AAA equity membership of 48 years in American Express Bank along grants allowance VA-mortgage life value of indemnity legal compensation $717,500.00 concorded.In enlistment feature MFG USN land as granted personal income from unlimited Military U.S. Saving Bonds net Total federal grants aid to issue new properties bylaw of Grants in Aid FHA-VA allowance free an clear bonds federal Grants Federal Housing Authority Wavier Check Voucher 1073022908385773 12/22/15. Blue Cross of California Washington ID ZKA567907910  objective in claims finance MM-289-32-32

Living Trust Fund violations recoup counterclaims for contract money t

Posted on May 23, 2018 at 09:43 PM

Ezra Johnson Anthony Jr says: 180523-IBM-PEG-0127, Subject: Gilbreth insurance company affirmative share for time period with Gaurantee Saving & Loan association JP Morgan Chase Bank EMA charts index to update on bottom total average AMFAC Mainland bank authorization federal benefits IRA unlimited credit applicable. Disposition of Collateral crude oil owner an North American Bank military congressional bank heritage trustees North American Aviationfr=ipad&p=Gilbreth+insurance+company&pcarrier=AT%26T&pmcc=310&pmnc=410 #37534 shares AMFAC credit union 10-01-82 to 12-31-82 member number 203388 008 Rose N Anthony $734.83x37534=owed $27,581,109.27 daily periodical grant.From AMFAC MAINLAND CREDIT UNION 5716400-02365 J3007 Title-29 Urban an Rural Grants in aid for Rose N Anthony an Ezra Johnson Anthony Jr daily concurrent grants.

Living Trust Fund violations recoup counterclaims for contract money t

Posted on May 23, 2018 at 09:36 PM

Ezra Johnson Anthony Jr says: A municipality has no immunity from liability under § 1983 flowing from its constitutional violations, and may not assert the good faith of its officers as a defense to such liability. Pp. 445 U. S. 635-658. (a) By its terms, § 1983 "creates a species of tort liability that, on its face, admits of no immunities." Imbler v. Pachtman,424 U. S. 409, 424 U. S. 417. Its language is absolute and unqualified, and no mention is made of any privileges, immunities, or defenses that may be asserted. Rather, the statute imposes liability upon "every person" (held in Monell v. New York City Dept. of Social Services,436 U. S. 658, to encompass municipal corporations) who, under color of state law or custom,"subjects, or causes to be subjected, any citizen of the United States . . . to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured by the Constitution and laws."And this expansive sweep of § 1983's language is confirmed by its legislative history.

Living Trust Fund violations recoup counterclaims for contract money t

Posted on May 23, 2018 at 08:55 PM

Ezra Johnson Anthony Jr says: Retribution. Something given or demanded in payment. In criminal law, it is punishment based on the theory which bears it's name and based strictly on the fact that every crime demands payment in the form of punishment. See also Restitution. In torts restitution is essentially the measure of damages, while in contracts a person aggrieved by a breach is entitled to be placed in the position in which he would have been if the defendant had not breached. Allstate at fault in injurious 12/24/90 claim  position formal stood Project manager Blue Cross of California total amount with one quarter $30,000 as loss wages under deposited in Sanwa Bank an Bank of America at 312 month owed in payment to Ezra Johnson Anthony Jr a total of $9,360,000.00 per legal monthly payment avowed by military enlistment of state obligations to pay all veterans by federal guarantee of pre-existing duty Allstate insurance claim number 1511525097 DCH.

Living Trust Fund violations recoup counterclaims for contract money t

Posted on May 21, 2018 at 11:15 AM

Ezra Johnson Anthony JR says: Claim please implement to Seattle, WA Ezra Johnson Anthony Jr from claim AD92067 division of industrial insurance Olympia, WA loss wages state of incontestable clause with the State of Washington requires retraining in upgrade of employee # 83631 Ezra Johnson Anthony with Lithia Auto Group BMW of Seattle Anthony Ezra.Concurrent reinstatement Bylaws of AMFAC Blue Cross of California in This policy is consistent with the requirements and objectives set forth by USA Presidential Executive Order 11246,Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964,the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Vietnam Veterans Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974. Cooperation.Action of co-operating.Association of persons for common benefit. In patent law, unity of action to a common end or a common result, not merely joint or simultaneous action for reason of Due Process in adequate compensation. Farmer's cooperative. Major function of such cooperative is to the commodity markets the combined crops crude oil,produce of it's farmer-owners.Claim economized factors in loss wages indemnity compensation AD92067 205x1500x5.50=$1,6

Living Trust Fund violations recoup counterclaims for contract money t

Posted on May 21, 2018 at 11:09 AM

Ezra Johnson Anthony JR says: Return of Capital distribution of cash resulting from illegal Depreciation No Probate on U.S.Saving Bonds tax saving, the sale of a capital asset money of securities in a portfolio, or any other transaction unrelated to Retain Earnings. Returns of capital are not directly taxable but may result in higher Capital Gains taxes later on if they reduce the acquisition cost base of the property involved. Also called return of basis of Gift of Notes and Bills Bonds, Blue Cross of California Insurance Policies as negotiable instruments valid intent EE-Bonds daily federal Grants in for Rose an Ezra Johnson Anthony Jr CMO authorized as U.S.Navy enlistment feature NAVPERS 15,635 MFG Western Land Grant title-7 Farm Relief Act equity FHA-VA-2200

Living Trust Fund violations recoup counterclaims for contract money t

Posted on May 21, 2018 at 06:20 AM

Ezra Johnson Anthony JR says: A municipality has no immunity from liability under § 1983 flowing from its constitutional violations, and may not assert the good faith of its officers as a defense to such liability. Pp. 445 U. S. 635-658. (a) By its terms, § 1983 "creates a species of tort liability that, on its face, admits of no immunities." Imbler v. Pachtman,424 U. S. 409, 424 U. S. 417. Its language is absolute and unqualified, and no mention is made of any privileges, immunities, or defenses that may be asserted. Rather, the statute imposes liability upon "every person" (held in Monell v. New York City Dept. of Social Services,436 U. S. 658, to encompass municipal corporations) who, under color of state law or custom,"subjects, or causes to be subjected, any citizen of the United States . . . to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured by the Constitution and laws."And this expansive sweep of § 1983's language is confirmed by its legislative history. Pp. 445 U. S. 635-636.District 2 4765 E Cetti 93702 District 5 656 Bullard 93706 Fresno,Ca Rose Nell Anthony Ezra Johnson Anthony Jr Deb

Living Trust Fund violations recoup counterclaims for contract money t

Posted on May 21, 2018 at 06:17 AM

Ezra Johnson Anthony JR says: 184.Effect of increased Difficulty,Expense,or Hardship;
It was once the generally stated rule that impossibility of performance of a contractual duty was no defense. If this ever was the actually applied rule, it has long since ceased to be so. Not only this, it has come about that term 
"impossibility"has been made to cover a wide range of situations, including what would be more accurately described as impracticability, a subsequent performance is as a matter of course a sufficient consideration for promise of increased compensation.5658VA21/22/28,Compensation,Pension,Education an Rehabilitation Records AMFAC Mainland credit union Blue Cross of California interstate commerce within the state of Washington original 122th U.S.Navy AKTRON 3 in 1 reinstated 1994 til current Farmer New World Life Inc.Co. Policy#1416535 11/28/57 contract Mercer Island,WA  coverage to pay in order to Paid Up Policy 180x23305=$4,194,900.00 per month.

Living Trust Fund violations recoup counterclaims for contract money t

Posted on May 21, 2018 at 03:54 AM

Ezra Johnson Anthony JR says: Subject: 29 CFR Part 75 - DEPARTMENT OF LABOR REVIEW AND CERTIFICATION PROCEDURES FOR RURAL INDUSTRIALIZATION LOAN AND GRANT PROGRAMS UNDER THE CONSOLIDATED FARM AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT ACT OF 1972 | Title 29 - Labor | Code of Federal Regulations  LII / Legal Information Institute for federal civil produce Grants on 4765 E Cetti 93702 city urban 656 Bullard ave 93706 County Rural Fresno,Ca mailing address 3526 Lakeview PKWY B-184 Rowlett,TX 75088 properties own by Rose Nell Anthony an Ezra Johnson Anthony Jr.Income Property owned Rose Nell Anthony Debra Unice Jones an Ezra Johnson Anthony Jr Return in value from purchase price of $222,000x113= net in Share count Professional Portfolio index level equity of Ezra Johnson Anthony Jr Title-5 Military administration Title-6 enlistment Compensation  $25,086,000.00 value 656 Bullard 93706 detriment Sweat equity for benefit Compensation hours at 46 years 174,680x113= expense account Federal Farm Relief Act Title-7 $19,738,840 to pay grade enhancement.

Living Trust Fund violations recoup counterclaims for contract money t

Posted on May 21, 2018 at 03:07 AM

Ezra Johnson Anthony JR says: NavPers 15,635 collateralization VA monthly per every counties from disposition of collateral in crude oil owner out valuing the collateral in military contract is enhancement to personal income grants in aid Ezra Johnson Anthony JR equity. $15,000,000.00Collective bargaining subdivision in policy of government insurance perjuring themselves thou conversions in equity your federal benefits are permanent policy will still be government insurance with universal features in provision of contract always must be fair rational or good. The potential in insurance is "converting"federal guarantee cash and Loan. You are protected at all time in government policy on any type of occupation residence or travel under federal income guarantee your entitle to convert dividend to receive cash advance as government Grants thou thee entitlement of equity in contract rank an Property.

Living Trust Fund violations recoup counterclaims for contract money t

Posted on May 21, 2018 at 02:57 AM

Ezra Johnson Anthony JR says: Vested interest in law, an interest in something that is certain to occur as opposed to being dependent on an event that might not happen. In general usage, an involvement having the element of personal gain. Vesting right an employee gradually acquires by length of service at a company to receive employer-contributed benefits, such as payments from a Pension fund, Profit-Sharing Plan,or other Qualified Plan or Trust. Under the Tax Reform Act of 1986 employees must be vested 100% after five years of service or at 20% a year starting in the third year and becoming 100% vested after seven years.

Living Trust Fund violations recoup counterclaims for contract money t

Posted on May 20, 2018 at 09:42 PM

Ezra Johnson Anthony JR says: U.S.Navy GSA Waviers is my owned Enlistment to law Ezra Johnson Anthony JR  XC-28-196-750, 750 U.S.C.Waviers federal civil Produce in legal fees $250,000 at $5 Million par per months applicable to bank credit or implementing bank payroll checks from a bank supplement in U.S.Treasury is the amount to process legal personal income.If not converted to SSA as Title 5 federal employment the bank receives $250 K To issue legal market average $5 million per month as owner of U.S.Saving Bondholder eligible over U.S.C 750 Due Process Guarantee from heritage of enveloped inventions bonds equity in bonds markets Saving Bonds prime directive

Living Trust Fund violations recoup counterclaims for contract money t

Posted on May 20, 2018 at 09:23 PM

Ezra Johnson Anthony JR says: To take on man an machine evolution even are VW Superbeetle 5 Speed from the age of 8 the concept of Form to Function an Conjunction by design of 122th AKTRON Notch in gears groove tune to Franchised Child development U.S.Navy.Physiology Physics of Volkswagen vigor in aqua association thou hydra chemistry in deceit cause to effect actions for a reaction from the progression of spinning Top Toy fuel of VW 1974 Super beetle Filers to Turbine wastegate Pressure filtration.A Transportation Contract of U.S.Navy CVA-43 USS Coral Sea Ezra Johnson Anthony JR Aircraft Carrier Groups Contacts in Equitable title Working Title of Volkswagen Wolfburg an Audi Experience Auto Groups equitable title in U.S.Saving Bonds ANTHE*M765 USAF Victory Bonds XC-38-64-1840 orientation for federal Grants in Aid Return on Investment subsides allowance originally.120x3999x8.0=$3,839,040.00 in equity value rectification for loyalty in Title 38 Military Cooperative World War 2 equity in Victory Bonds to convert in HH-Bonds increased enhancement Health Education Welfare (HEW) personal income.

Living Trust Fund violations recoup counterclaims for contract money t

Posted on May 20, 2018 at 09:14 PM

Ezra Johnson Anthony JR says: Main bedroom 4765 E. Cetti 1968 Ezra Johnson Anthony Jr right side of bed was his baby crib below bay window three dimension lazer of brain telemetry to program thought patterns sleeping image clearoom engine hanger Caste AFB right P&W wing B-52 engine replacement top down lever release frame of Mel Johnson. Other images Clock of Buckingham Palace Big Ben movement timed to brain. Johnson Estate Pennsylvania lazer on white Oak Gavel. When was 11 years traveling to an from Fresno,CA an San Franscico,CA on United Airlines military hops. There's contradiction within the measurement of heritage death an alive the WASP control life science from its envelopers the non birth rights in sumatics of anarchy are a Joke such the Latin race an al Neo Nazi culture ignorances. Current address 3526 Lakeview PKWY Box 184 Rowlett,TX 75088 please only send CR-10 Title-38 Military Grant credit overnight parcel

Living Trust Fund violations recoup counterclaims for contract money

Posted on May 18, 2018 at 03:10 PM

Ezra Johnson Anthony Jr says: The U.S.Navy certifies over written obligation to pay the person therein named the amount specified upon the conditions therein stipulated. Also a term usually applied to policies issued by fraternal and beneficiary societies U.S.Navy CSAA an all states. ($717,500.00 per proposal) Pre-existing duty formula of work history agricultural Homestead equal division of legal amounts in value on Contract, Equity an Properties Commonwealth FHA federal grants in aid from current properties value Clear an Free for daily cash allowance.At CIF 76 portfolio corporations 76x717,500= by rule of law equitable title federal government concord vowel by legal monthly amounts in Corporate Income Fund$54,530,000.00 owed per month.To Ezra Johnson Anthony Jr adjustment settlement U.S.Navy-VA-Blue Cross of Calif-CSAA-AAA Paid to the order of Ezra Johnson Anthony Jr.

Living Trust Fund violations recoup counterclaims for contract money t

Posted on May 17, 2018 at 10:28 PM

Ezra Johnson Anthony Jr says: May company department store cash $297,937.00 02 72 01349 55939 1975 July 19 3:10 PM PEG 16-66 LA central office BofA Jul 24 1975 17600 Universal Agent interest on $8.00 Bank of California check 759 Bank credit needed conversion in bequest HH Victory BondContinual Service XC-38-64-1890 family owed estate to estate gaurantee 492x800x9.0=$3,542,400.00From The Prudential Insurance Company of America to family policy or contract 33830491.Total Return annual return on an investment including appreciation and dividends or interest. For bonds held to maturity, total return is Yield to Maturity. For stocks, future appreciation is projected using the current Price/Earning Ratio

Living Trust Fund violations recoup counterclaims for contract money t

Posted on May 17, 2018 at 12:53 AM

Ezra Johnson Anthony Jr says: Beneficial National bank Senior member at standard liability rate for deposited equity $30,000 spent to Return in Capital at $5,400,000 Military Trustee Tresury Police. The usage of thee U.S.Bank visa is measured at this level funded from self-authorization of military enlistment NAVPER-15,635 Collective Bargaining agreement authorizes the value of University Place Subdivision Butler Homes Fig Garden Homes Guaranteed of Estate to Estate Title 29 Urban an Rural to value as federal grants.From crude oil owner Ezra Johnson Anthony Jr federal benefits indemnity Compensation Norbord OSA Disposition of Collateral 9904 Contracts owed per Transactions an RSI equity.Relative Strength Index 3458 a net total in Return of Capital federal Grant.9904+3458=13,362 policy or contract in actual pay grade SSA enhancement to increase federal commission pay in value of Full faith in credit Selective service.Title 5-38-10 to use credit cards unlimitedly funded basis points in EE-Bonds to convert into HH-Bonds equates high yield Grants 13,362x1000x90=$1,202,580,000.00 Ezra J. Anthony Jr Federal Trust Funds F

Living Trust Fund violations recoup counterclaims for contract money t

Posted on May 14, 2018 at 07:43 PM

Ezra Johnson Anthony Jr says: Return of Capital distribution of cash resulting from illegal Depreciation tax saving, the sale of a capital asset money of securities in a portfolio, or any other transaction unrelate to Retain Earnings.Returns of capital are not directly taxable but may result in higher Capital Gains taxes later on if they reduce the acquisition cost base of the property involved. Also called return of basis of Gift of Notes and Bills Bonds, Blue Cross of California Insurance Policies as negotiable instruments valid intent EE-Bonds daily federal Grants in for Rose an Ezra Johnson Anthony Jr CMO authorized as U.S.Navy enlistment feature NAVPERS 15,635 MFG Western Land Grant title-7 Farm Relief Act equity FHA-VA-2200

Living Trust Fund violations recoup counterclaims for contract money t

Posted on May 14, 2018 at 07:36 PM

Ezra Johnson Anthony Jr says: Fee-farm is where an estate in a federal Grant in Aid package of expenses transportation an constructive condition home structure is granted subject to heritage in commodity crude oil ownership in executive branch agreed in military contract MFG G-1 land grant in aid all monetary occurred are interest in Grants in Aid allowance. In the unlimited realm per second on the dollar to useful life in crude oil ownership Fee-farms are lands held in value to render for legal monthly payments modernization of federal Heritage federalist farm an land considerable growth implementation. The Tucker Act which was passed in 1887, was response by Congress to the inadequacies of the original Court of Claims legislation. By this act, the jurisdiction of the court was extended to include claim founded upon the Constitution, act of Congress, or executive department regulation, as well as claims for liquidated or unliquidated damages in cases not sounding in tort in addition to all claims within the scope of the earlier statutes. The present provisions of the Tucker Act are embodies in 28 U.S.C.A€€1346(a)(2),1

Living Trust Fund violations recoup counterclaims for contract money t

Posted on May 14, 2018 at 07:32 PM

Ezra Johnson Anthony Jr says:
West Seattle Police Station Universal citation False Pretense false arrest to embezzle Social service in Kidnapping to inadmissible to Law Agwish of Social disorder pathological Witchcraft.To deceit individual Bill of Rights in entrapment exploitation in custody thou Second Degree Poisoning each day to induce first degree murder at Novus mental Hospital adjunct police racket station. Custody Fee Farm Federal Grant Owed to Ezra Johnson Anthony Jr order to pay him in EE-Bonds to convert to personal income 86,400x1000x90=$7,776,000,000.00 per day.

Living Trust Fund violations recoup counterclaims for contract money t

Posted on May 13, 2018 at 06:10 PM

Ezra Johnson Anthony Jr says: 180513 IBM-PEG-0417 Earvin M. Johnson, Phil Jackson family in Ferguson,MO Police is stealing the CR-10 mail of Ezra J. Anthony with assistants from Motor Ave Postal Workers multiple breaking an Entering the Racket of Federal Express an UPS in Casino RICO embezzlement Extortion by Aircraft Bigamy cover ups an first degree murder Neveda  Missouri Illinois Casino exploited people that no know better than Exploitation 1-2-3 capital crime. The Scott AFB link to Sacramento an Mexicon in Lebanon Illinois is location were there exploiting Ezra J. Anthony U.S.Saving Bonds Mexicon in Sacramento,CA CA-department of military link to U.S.Bank need Earvin to look in to moms Pier One Import account to link work load provision just for friend an family AT&T heritage bond XC-28-196-750 Link to KPMG Illinos seek seizure of assets $7,000,000,000 bond for arrest.


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