Walmart Equate Customer Service Number

Average: 4 (2 votes)
15 Reviews
Are you looking for Walmart Equate Customer Service Number, then, you are at the right place and we love to assist you. We are going to share all the contact detail of the company such as contact number, email address, web pages and many more. By using above detail, you can easily approach the company related to your problems and get the desired support.
Walmart Equate Support Number: Walmart Equate has always served their customers with customer service number and with experienced support team, which is always stand for their customers related to their problems, complains, request and other related issues. Customer phone number of Walmart Equate is shown below:
Walmart Equate Head Office: In case you are not satisfied with telephonic support of Walmart Equate then you can visit its head office or nearby regional office, where you will get quick response. We are providing that address below:
702 SW 8th Street Bentonville, AR 72716-8611.
Walmart Equate Email Address: To help its customers, Walmart Equate also share its email id. Through this id you can send your complaints, problems, queries, feedback as well as suggestions in writing related to the company’s products or services. Please have a look:
Walmart Equate Website: Website is also designed by your adorable company for your help, where you can get your answers and favorable support. You can also know much more about the products and services provided by Walmart Equate, its future plans and many more. You can also leave suggestions and give feedback on company’s website. Please have a look below:

Conatct detail of Walmart Equate

  • Address

    702 SW 8th Street Bentonville, AR 72716-8611

  • Contact Number


  • Email Address


  • Website

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comments (15) on Walmart Equate Customer Service Contact Number

Bad tests

Posted on Sep 28, 2019 at 06:40 PM

Joanna says: I purchased a 2 pack of equate tests and both come back positive got another pack and the first one didn't even work i used it correctly and no lines come up at all then the other one once again said positive. I purchased a box of first response and got negatives and confirmed with a doc I am not pregnant. I am very disappointed and very angry your tests give people false hope. I have been trying to conceive for years and thanks to your horrible tests I got my hopes up and my heart ripped out. I will never purchase another equate test and I will make sure I leave a review on any site I can let people know that your tests give false positives.

Asking about the refund

Posted on Nov 29, 2016 at 02:27 PM

Latangie Warthen says: I bought two equate tests and neither one of them had a positive or negative. How can I get a refund?

Query about test

Posted on Nov 29, 2016 at 03:27 AM

Jeremy Brown says: On the equate pregnancy test, the line that is always vertical, can that line ever be slanted or crooked to the point that the line is halfway visible?
As it is not faded in any way, just like its been tampered with and that line looks like the paper was moved.

Complaint about product

Posted on Nov 02, 2016 at 05:44 PM

Amber O'Farrell says: Good morning,
I have three children aged 3, 6 and 8. Trust me when I say we go through a lot of electric toothbrushes, which is not cheap. In order to try and save a few dollars, we decided to switch to equate toothbrushes. Unfortunately, after purchasing a dual pack two times in a row, we will never buy them again. Both times, one of the toothbrushes stopped working within days of purchasing it. This is very disappointing as a buyer. I hope this is not something that happens all the time with Equate products. I would rather spend a few dollars more on a toothbrush that I know is going to work. Can anything be done to resolve this matter?

Amber O'Farrell

Checking for refund status

Posted on Oct 20, 2016 at 03:08 AM

Rosemarie Marchesa says: Hello,

My case number is 59602. I still haven't received my refund. Check as of this date. Can you tell me if it has been mailed out yet?

Heather Johnson says:

Posted on Sep 06, 2016 at 05:07 AM

Good afternoon,
I had just recently purchased this equate brand of lotion that is compared to Cetaphil Moisturizing Lotion. I usually go with equate cream that comes in a jar but decided to give this one a try because it has a pump. I was a little disappointed and the quality of this lotion, it seems to leave my skin more dry than before using it. What is the return/refund policy?
Thank you!

Diana Brodenhamm says:

Posted on Aug 01, 2016 at 02:33 AM

I have been severely burned by your equate "icy hot" type rollon. After not using it for about 3 weeks, my husband shook the bottle (as directed) and applied it to my back. Within minutes it was burning so bad I has to shower to remove it. We applied equate after sun and it did nothing. Since I've been using a prescription salve and it helps a little. I cannot describe the severe discomfort and now cannot even use a heating pad to alleviate some of the pain. It's quite painful and itchy even 4 days after if happened. I'm in need of more salve (which is expensive) & most likely need to see a dr. All expenses I shouldn't have to pay. Please call 701-839-5930 rather than email which will most likely go to a spam file. Please contact me asap.

Jay says:

Posted on Jun 24, 2016 at 09:12 AM

I used your equate personal lubricant jelly for masturbation and now I have some mild penis irritation.

Heather says:

Posted on Jun 19, 2016 at 02:54 AM

I bought the 2 pack Equate instant ice pack got out to my car broke the first one open shook it, nothing never got cold. Tried the second one same thing the inner bag is popped on both of these and neither of them got cold at all. I had to go to CVS and get one for the burn on my arm since I was traveling and had no other choice. I don't care about the 2.88 it cost, you should just no this product doesn't work. Lot number #RA16140CAN.

Destiny says:

Posted on Jun 13, 2016 at 06:01 AM

I have purchased your two pack pregnancy test but both tests are defective. I'm not satisfied with this product and would like a refund immediately. This is not the first time this has happened with your product. Thank you.

Jamie Bauer says:

Posted on Apr 26, 2016 at 02:28 AM

M daughter received a horrible burn using a equate hold and cold compress. We were using it as a cold compress and the product leaked all over her pants and left a burn and blisters on her leg! This is a horrible product that caused lots of pain for my daughter and a scar that will last a life time!! Please supply me with an email address were I can send further info and pictures of the physical damage it caused to my daughter.

Karen eisenhard says:

Posted on Mar 04, 2016 at 04:27 AM

I purchased the equate 5 blade razor for woman.
Upc 8113112184. It was awful. I'm so disappointed. It hardly made my legs smooth and wouldn't rinse clean.
This was just opened. Please advise.
This was purchased at Walmart in Harleysville, pa store 2236

Jen rud says:

Posted on Mar 03, 2016 at 03:31 AM

I have a herniated disc and pulled lower back muscles. I was advised by my doctor to get a few large ice packs to rotate on my back. My husband got 2 of the equate packs from walmart. After one day of use one ice pack exploded all offer my back, couch and decorative pillow. it looks like it is not even glued together? Was there a recall on these?? I am miserable, and now have to wait 2 to 3 hours to ice my back each time until my husband can make it back to walmart tomorrow.

Chevalia Woodward says:

Posted on Mar 01, 2016 at 09:19 AM

I recently purchased an equate early response pregnancy test as compared to first response early results test but it was a faulty test. I followed the instructions to the tee but no control line ever appeared within the testing time frame. I am not satisfied the with the outcome of this product and respectfully ask for either a replacement or to be reimbursed for the faulty test.
Thank you,

Chevalia Woodward

Chicon Grant says:

Posted on Feb 08, 2016 at 02:08 PM

I bought a box of equate super plus tampons and when I got to my last tampon there was no tampon left in the applicator. This really upset me considering I figured I had one tampon left to use. I had to go out an buy a new box when I would've been happy and satisfied with the last tampon. This has never happened to me since I buy this product all the time. Very unhappy consumer right now.


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