Tbs Customer Service Number

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Tbs offers the detail of customer service for its existing as well as potential customers that can help them in conveying their feedback of its products and services. As a customer of the Tbs, if you face any query, feedback, complaint or suggestions related to its products and services then you can contact the Tbs customer service team through its contact detail, email id as well as customer service number that may or may not be tollfree. Tbs has shown its customer service address detail for its customers that are shown below.

Conatct detail of Tbs

  • Address

    100 International Boulevard, One CNN Center, Atlanta, GA 30303, United States

  • Contact Number

    +1 404-827-1700

  • Website


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comments (14) on Tbs Customer Service Contact Number

Samantha Bee's Hate

Posted on May 31, 2018 at 11:23 AM

Larry B says: Samantha Bee needs to have her show IMMEDIATELY terminated from TBS network programming. The vile c-word is reprehensible and not acceptable to any woman; not a sister, wife or mother. Show her the door NOW & make her apologize to Ivanka on the way to the door.

Wretched programming

Posted on May 31, 2018 at 06:09 AM

Christopher Hanley says: So when did TBS hire Roseanne Barr Jr. for its programming? Call someone-anyone- a "Feckless c__t" on television, besides sounding like Freudian projection, is offensive, over the top, utterly obtuse, and accomplished nothing. Do you WANT to tick off millions of people? Is that your aim?

Complaint about the show

Posted on Nov 25, 2016 at 05:36 AM

K.Merritt says: Full frontal with Samantha Bee is extremely offensive. I do not watch the show but unfortunately I am exposed to her disgusting "humor" while her show is being advertised. I am confident that I am not in the minority of viewers of your network that have this opinion. She is not funny.

Jay Harney says:

Posted on Oct 08, 2016 at 01:40 AM

The baseball game between Texas and Toronto was very difficult to hear and also the announcers. The volume on the crowd and other happenings drowned out the broadcasters.

bob says:

Posted on Aug 23, 2016 at 09:59 AM

"Two Broke Girls," I have heard of this show many times. Being well aware of the fact it has a lengthy history I decided to give it a shot. If it was possible to catch leprosy by watching a TV show society wold be doomed. The main characters are vial. make it stop!

Bryan K. Davis says:

Posted on Aug 07, 2016 at 08:40 AM

Why is samantha bee allowed to have a show where all she does is bash conservative republicans and promote hatred with liberal views she should be banned from television she should not be allowed to put her views that she has out to the public there is enough hatred and bigotry already going on in this country..

Ramsey says:

Posted on Jul 24, 2016 at 10:22 PM

Hi !! Just wanted to let you guys know that during the movie's on TBS there are a lot of gaps in volume where the volume cuts in and out. My cable company is comporium in Fort Mill South Carolina. Hope you can find the problem and solve it thank you.

Shay says:

Posted on Jul 12, 2016 at 07:47 AM

I'm pissed off because I love every show on TBS except full frontal. Having to watch that cunt on constant commercials makes me have to change the channel. I am missing good shows. Can someone hang that bitch from a tree so I can watch Tribeca and family guy in peace?

Nikki waller says:

Posted on May 22, 2016 at 10:54 PM

First of all usually I have no problem with your channel, but it has come to my attention that the new commercial for Samantha B is very offensive not only to me but anyone who may be a Christian. Jesus is our Savior and we and I speak for Christian's around the world he is not a cracker. Its very offensive and you need to remove it.

Dianne Lerch says:

Posted on May 17, 2016 at 06:27 AM

please can we have something else besides Married With Children on weekday mornings from 4:30-6:00 (CDT)? We are sick of watching the same stupid episodes day after day, week after week, year after year!!
Suggestions for replacement: The Office, Designing Women, Scrubs. any thing but married with children, enough already!

Thank you so much for your consideration.
Dianne Lerch

Jennifer says:

Posted on May 05, 2016 at 07:41 AM

Tonight, the show Separation Anxiety was interrupted to show the start of an NBA game. I was very disappointed and frustrated. There was no reason the NBA showing couldn't wait 20 minutes before Separation Anxiety ended. Those games should have a set tip off time and not in the middle of another scheduled show.

Ho yee nah says:

Posted on Apr 10, 2016 at 09:02 AM

Dear sir/madam,

I am writing this to complain my bad experience on today, 10th of April.
I was purchasing the meridian company 10.15 am bas from kl-larking. I was awaiting there before 10.15 am, but i did not see the bas at all at gate 4. When i was refer to the konter, it was be informed that the bas had leaved at 10.23 am. I did not hear any announcement at all. If TBS is not going to give any announcement to customer, what is the reason that TBS request IC when registration.
And i forced to purchase a new ticket of another company and NO REFUND at all. Even from JB-larkin meridian holiday also refuse to change for me.
I cannot faham that i am not direct to by ticket at meridian holiday konter, why i cannot replace the ticket with another company.
As a customer, if i am not relic angry on this situation, i wont spent my time for so long in writing sch a long email. I hope TBS can give me a satisfied answer.

Lara says:

Posted on Mar 22, 2016 at 07:01 AM

Why would you take Seinfeld off and put two broke girls (the worst show ever and American dad second worst show ever)? Please take off the crap and put Seinfeld back on. Those new shows are terrible.

Brandon says:

Posted on Mar 21, 2016 at 06:33 AM

The quality of your HD programming on TBS for March madness is very poor. The screen is darker just during basketball games and the picture is not clear, very concerning if this is your best HD product. I hope you plan on taking action, especially since the national championship is on TBS this year.
Very unhappy customer


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