Contact information of Paulo Coelho

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If you are seeking the contact number detail of Paulo Coelho, then we love to help you. We are here to answer your questions like how to contact Paulo Coelho, what is the email id of Paulo Coelho, what is the phone number of Paulo Coelho, office address, fax number, social profiles and many more. Through this article we are trying to share all those sources through which you can easily contact Paulo Coelho. Below we are showing the complete detail of Paulo Coelho, you are requested to look below

Conatct detail of Paulo Coelho

  • Address

    Instituto Paulo Coelho, Av Nossa Sra. de Copacabana 749 Sala 404, 22050-002 Rio de Janeiro / RJ, Brazil

  • Contact Number

    +55 (0)21 2522-9524

  • Email Address

  • Website

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comments (4) on Paulo Coelho

Appreciation by fan

Posted on Oct 16, 2016 at 07:29 PM

Shreerang says: Hello Paulo,

I am using mother's email for I am only 12, but I read your "Alchemist". I don't know if you read this, but I want to become a writer just like you. Please send me an email.

Your reader of The Alchemist.

pavan jimmy says:

Posted on Sep 03, 2016 at 08:16 PM

Hello, I am pavan jimmy from India, from a far distant land,its my pleasure to read most of your novels. One day I was going through your autobiography I was surprised to look at it because of the events. I have a similar events and I would like to become a writer and to feel the very essence of existence of human with nature. I am 22 years old but in one way or the other odds I am coming away from living my dream or passion of becoming a hippie traveler and a writer. I hope you can read this mail. I am your admirer, but I don't have any intention of making money with writing but I would like the society to hear the deep hidden words of traveler by woods and rapture of a writer by the echoing beauty of nature.


Javier Cabrera says:

Posted on Apr 04, 2016 at 10:42 PM

Hello, my name is Javier Cabrera I attend to bishop Kenny high school in Jacksonville Florida I am in the 10th grade my class and I we just started talking about you in my class and we are ready to start reading The Alchemist tomorrow. We just watched one of the videos of the pilgrimage that you talk about it I was very inspired to go and do the walk. I know wanting you to come and talk to us about your life is something that must likely won't happen I just really had to try it would mean so much if you could come but I understand if it won't be possible we would also would love it if you can send us an email back I would give it to my teacher and show it to the class if your not able to come my email is thank you for reading my email.

Vijay More says:

Posted on Aug 24, 2015 at 12:20 PM

Dear Sir,
Wish you a very happy & sizzling 68th birthday, am absolutely honoured
& overjoyed to be greeting you like this, more so as I’m head over heels in
exploring you through my Ph.D. pursuit. It’s the second year of my research
encompassing your existential & spiritual preoccupation& I don’t want to be
through with it as I’m enjoying every bit of your pristine philosophy, so simple
yet so profound..needless to say I have coelhoed everyone around who cannot but
bask in your spiritual radiance…waiting as ever for the Manna that rolls in your writings…
with love& warm regards…
Vijay More
Shri Shivaji College,
Parbhani (Maharashtra)


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