Cricket Wireless Customer Service Phone Number

Customer Phone number imageCricket Wireless Customer Service Phone Number
866-384-4425 is the customer service phone number of the Cricket Wireless. customer service number enables the customers of the Cricket Wireless company to convey their complaints or suggestions. If you want to reach a live person, you have to follow below steps :
Press 1 for English and then just hang on the line
You can contact the Cricket Wireless customer service via customer service phone number, customer service email, website of Cricket Wireless as well as refer to nearest Cricket Wireless service center in your area. You can also contact Cricket Wireless customer service center through customer service email, the complete contact detail of customer service centre are shown below.
Live person number for customer service: 866-384-4425

Click here to view Customer service link
The above customer service number is one that is not listed on the website, but which when called, will give you an actual customer service person to speak too. Most cricket numbers like 1800Cricket and the *611 go directly to Crickets Automated System. No matter what number of buttons you push, once on the automated system you can not get to a real, thinking, helpful individual. However this number, the unlisted, unpublished, apparently for only special services number, 866-384-4425 will connec
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