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It is defined as a source of energy basically containing mixture of hydrocarbons and gases beneath the surface of earth occurring naturally in rocks. It has its wide usage as fuel for domestic cooking and as raw material for petrochemical and different industries of artificial rubber, plastics, ink and fertilizers etc.
Since 1990s, the consumption rate of gas has increased up to 23% of global commercial energy out of just one-third of the proven gas reserves of the world. The growth is massive with 70% rating and U.S.A as the top most consumers. In language of research, it is formed out of decaying of living matter over millions of years that were trapped in geological formations known as anticlines. Among its properties, we can say it is odourless, colourless, tasteless, shapeless and is lighter than air. Thus for safety reasons, chemical odorant is added to natural gas in case of leakage detection. It is further neither toxic and nor corrosive, with high ignition temperature and narrow flammability range.
It is an environment friendly clean fuel and is becoming a popular mean of fuel for transportation to bring down pollution level. We need to keep check on its usage as it is a non renewable form of resource that will exhaust one day and thus have to be conserved.