Westinghouse Customer Service Phone Number

Customer Phone number imageWestinghouse Customer Service Phone Number
866-442-7873 is the customer service phone number of the Westinghouse. customer service number enables the customers of the Westinghouse company to convey their complaints or suggestions. If you want to reach a live person, you have to follow below steps :
Press 7
You can contact the Westinghouse customer service via customer service phone number, customer service email, website of Westinghouse as well as refer to nearest Westinghouse service center in your area. You can also contact Westinghouse customer service center through customer service email, the complete contact detail of customer service centre are shown below.
Live person number for customer service: 866-442-7873

Click here to view Customer service link
Website: www.westinghouse.com
The number given here is for consumer products. For direct phone numbers to one of the many Westinghouse divisions, click on the Customer service link above.
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