Total Filtration Service Inc Email Address, Office Address

Business Contact

Contact Information

  • Contact Total Filtration Service Inc

  • Zip:


  • Phone:

    (816) 474-9565

  • Address

    1941 Warren Street Kansas City, MO , 64116-4435

Business Description

  • Name

    Total Filtration Service Inc

  • Location type


  • Revenue

    $1 to 2.5 million

  • Employees

    5 to 9 at this location 8

  • Engaged in

    industrial liquid filter distributors in kansas city, mo

  • Industry

    industrial liquid filter distributors, whol filters, misc general purpose machinery manufacturing

  • NAICS Codes

    333999, misc general purpose machinery manufacturing

  • SIC Codes

    356904, filters-liquid mfrs

If you are looking for the address of Total Filtration Service Inc then you are at the right place where you can easily get the desired information which you are looking for. Here provides the complete contact detail of Total Filtration Service Inc which includes: address of Total Filtration Service Inc, phone number of Total Filtration Service Inc, email and website of Total Filtration Service Inc. Below, we are showing the contact address of Total Filtration Service Inc
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