Fedex Express Ship Center Contact Overview

Business Contact

  • Website :

Contact Information

  • Contact Fedex Express Ship Center

  • Zip:


  • Address

    51 Nicholson Drive Savannah, GA , 31408-9058

Business Description

  • Name

    Fedex Express Ship Center

  • Location type


  • Revenue

    $500,000 to $1 million

  • Employees

    1 to 4

  • Engaged in

    mailing and shipping services in savannah, ga

  • Industry

    mailing and shipping services , direct mail advertising, direct mail advertising

  • NAICS Codes

    541860, direct mail advertising

  • SIC Codes

    733101, mailing & shipping services

Fedex Express Ship Center deals Mailing and Shipping Services in Savannah, GA. It has employed more than 1 to 4 employees. The annual sale of the Fedex Express Ship Center is $500,000 to $1 million. Listed below the complete contact detail of Fedex Express Ship Center which consists: Address with phone number of Fedex Express Ship Center, zip-code of Fedex Express Ship Center, website email of Fedex Express Ship Centeretc.
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