Design Builders Development, LLC Email Address, Office Address

Business Contact

Contact Information

  • Contact Design Builders Development, LLC

  • Zip:


  • Phone:

    (248) 242-0801

  • Address

    19785 W 12 Mile Road Southfield, MI , 48076-2584

Business Description

  • Name

    Design Builders Development, LLC

  • Years in business


  • Location type


  • Revenue


  • Employees

    2 2 at this location 1

  • Engaged in

    building contractors in southfield, mi

  • Industry

    building contractors, nonresidential construction, commercial and institutional building construction

  • NAICS Codes

    236220, commercial and institutional building construction

  • SIC Codes

    1542, general contractors-nonresidential buildings, other than industrial buildings and warehouses

Design Builders Development, LLC has offered its services from last 11 years in Southfield, MI and consisted the supporting stall of approximately 2 2 At this location 1. The annual sale of the Design Builders Development, LLC is $290,000.
In below section, we are mentioned the complete address detail of Design Builders Development, LLC with contact number, contact person, e-mail, zip-code etc.
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