Contact information of Tammy Baldwin

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About Tammy Baldwin

Tammy Baldwin is a 57 years old American politician. She is presently serving as the junior United States Senator from Wisconsin. She is from Democratic Party and is holding the office since year 2013. She is a first open Gay senator. Prior to this, she has also served as the U.S House of Representatives for the period 1999 to 2013.

Early life

Tammy Suzanne Green Baldwin was born on February 11, 1962. She was born in Wisconsin to parents Edward Baldwin and Pamela Baldwin. Her mother was a mental patient; she has suffered a lot emotionally, when Tammy was born. Tammy was raised and looked after by her grandparents and she use to spend time with her mother on Saturdays. She did her school education from Madison West High School and later on she did her college from Smith College, Massachusetts; she has majored in mathematics and graduated in 1984.She went on to receive a law degree from the University Of Wisconsin Law School in 1989.

Professional Career

Talking about Tammy Baldwin’s professional career, she has Wisconsin’s Board Bar of
Examiners in 1989; Baldwin began practising law in the state while continuing her service as a member of the Dane County Board of Supervisors. Tammy began her career in politics, holding a position in the Dane Country Board of Supervisors. She won the Democratic Public elections in 1992, 1994 and 1996. She became Wisconsin's first congresswoman, Baldwin became the first openly gay politician elected to the U.S. Senate, beating Republican candidate Tommy Thompson in the November 2012 election.

Personal Life

Talking about Tammy Baldwin’s love life, she has never been married, but she has a living relationship with Lauren Azhar for 15 years. In year 2009, they registered as domestic partners, but they separated in year 2010.

Net Worth

Tammy Baldwin has an estimated net worth of around $ 450,000 from her political career.

Conatct detail of Tammy Baldwin

  • Address

    Madison, Wisconsin, United States

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