Contact information of Lisa Murkowski

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About Lisa Murkowski

Lisa Murkowski is a 61 years old American politician, who is right now serving as the senior United States Senator from Alaska. She belongs from Republican Party and is serving as senator from the year 2002.

Early life

Lisa Murkowski was born on 22nd May, 1956 in Ketchikan Alaska. She is the daughter of none other than Frank Murkowski who was also a former U.S senator and Governor of Alaska and Nancy Gore. Murkowski has completed her elementary school education from Monroe High School Fairbanks in Alaska and later on she was enrolled for bachelor’s degree in Economics to Georgetown University. She has also obtained a J.D degree from Williamette University College of Law.


Before Lisa’s sting in politics, she has briefly worked as the attorney in Anchorage District Court Clerk office from the period 1987 to 1989. Her first political successful step was, when she got elected to the Alaska House of Rep for the first time in 1998, she has a record of two re-elections in 2000 and 2002 respectively. When she was still a serving member
of the State House in Alaska, Lisa Murkowski got appointed into the U.S Senate by Governor Frank Murkowski. The appointment which came into existence with Frank’s resignation from the Senate after being elected governor rose to lot of heat; it was regarded as nepotism by the majority. Lisa’s appointment eventually gave rise to a referendum which stripped the governor of his rights and constitutional powers to appoint replacement senators directly.

Personal Life

Lisa Murkowski has been married once in her lifetime. Her spouse name is Verne Martell, Lisa and Verne tied the nuptial knot of love and commitment in year 1987. The couple has been inseparable since then and is going still strong. They also have two children out of their wedlock, which they named as Nicholas and Mathew Martell.

Net Worth

According to media resources and information available on internet, the American politician Lisa Murkowski’s net worth has estimated to be somewhere near $2.5 million.

Conatct detail of Lisa Murkowski

  • Address

    Ketchikan, Alaska, United States

  • Website

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