Contact information of Good Morning America Studio

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41 Reviews
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Conatct detail of Good Morning America Studio

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    1500 Broadway, 44th Street, New York, NY 10036, United States

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comments (41) on Good Morning America Studio

Sharing thoughts

Posted on Nov 30, 2016 at 03:32 AM

helene ginter says: I was wondering why no one has shown any pictures of Sherri Papini? I keep hearing statements, but I live only one and half hours from there and in my area a lot is circulating that makes that sweet girl look like the blue eyed butcher. She is racist. She is a scrapper and proud of it. That nice sweet girl is a snob who like attention, well she got both here. Take a look at what is circulating:
Is racist want a motive in Sherri Papini abduction? The link is

MMW: Sherri Papini is lying about her abduction just like she did in. The link is

Inside the mind of missing Sherri Graeff Papini. This is what you may be. See the link

Maybe someone should tell both sides or all of the story about why people do not believe this family, it could be her statements and the families history.

Either way, super mother she is not, super racist she is.

Need financial help

Posted on Nov 18, 2016 at 10:18 PM

Jessica Davenport says: This mother needs help. My babies are the first sibling set with a rare and fatal form of dwarfism, Schimke Immuno-Osseous Dysplasia (SIOD). We have a little time. In 121 days or small town in Alabama raised right at $200,000 for research. Now we have to raise even more to save these babies. We have to raise 3 million. Please help share this story. It is a life changing one.

Tel. 2567106***
Jessica Davenport

Dissatisfied with the show

Posted on Nov 11, 2016 at 06:01 PM

Susan Olshavsky says: I was a loyal viewer of Good Morning America forever, until Michael Strahan. Now I watch the Today show. Mr. Strahan can not be taken seriously as a prominent lead anchor, and not to sound mean but his lips drives me nuts, and why in the world hire a 3rd lead anchor anyway, why wasn't that position offered to Amy Robach? I also find Good Morning America very disloyal to its current anchors, as in not promoting Amy Robach and only putting Lara Spencer in to read 90 seconds of pop news. Goodbye Good Morning America, as I said, I now watch Today, NBC in the morning.


Posted on Nov 09, 2016 at 06:34 PM

Abigail Detcher says: I am not having a discussion with my children about the outcome of the election but rather why the liberal news market is so shocked. ABC news has not represented my family for years now. This is the discussion at our house and now what do you think I should tell them?

Presenting views

Posted on Nov 03, 2016 at 12:14 AM

Lori Laszlo says: Is there a new makeup artist lately these lovely ladies are only looking more slutty and tired with all this heavy eyeliner and heavy makeup. Very distracting. Has anyone else noticed, every single one of them. Oh my God, Ginger just came back on and they have her eyes lined like a raccoon. The beautiful blonde with long hair that is Georges side kick and the African-American gentleman, what did they do to her natural beauty? Get rid of this artist, and his heavy black eyeliner on November 2nd.

Regarding broadcast of a news

Posted on Oct 31, 2016 at 09:17 PM

Audrianna bullis says: I would highiy appreciate if Good Morning America could possibly report news about North Dakota access pipeline and the wrong doing of the law to the native Americans on their own land. Its broadcasting through the internet but haven't seen it on any news.

Talking about the show

Posted on Oct 31, 2016 at 02:55 PM

Lester Castillo says: Greetings,

My name is Lester Castillo and I flew in recently from the Philippines just to participate in the upcoming New York City Marathon on November 6th.

I wanted to check Good Morning America if this is a story worthy of a short interview as it has always been my dream to be part of New York City Marathon and I am finally doing it on November 6th.

Also on my list of dreams is being part of Good Morning America (GMA) for an interview.

Hope to hear from GMA soon.

Expressing thoughts

Posted on Oct 20, 2016 at 05:14 PM

Mona says: I think your coverage of debate is disgusting and you wonder why Donald Trump is so frank. Are you on Hillary's payroll? Sure sounds like it. Do you even know why the American public is fighting for Donald Trump? It is not for his personality. It is because the status quotes is not working so lets be fair.

Peggy S says:

Posted on Oct 17, 2016 at 10:07 PM

I remember when Erma Bombeck had a segment on Good Morning America Studios. She would have me laughing at the things, I encountered each day as a mother. I know no one will ever replace her because she has touched the heart of us all. Since Jim Gaffigan is well known and shares his experience on family life. I think he would be an asset for the Good Morning America program.

Expressing my views

Posted on Oct 16, 2016 at 07:02 PM

Jaye says: Your biased coverage stated that Donald Trump's comments on Clinton are unfounded and are outright distortion of facts. Have you read the Wikileaks documents? Why are you not giving equal and unbiased coverage? I am extremely annoyed with the media coverage in the election and will be tuning out of ABC as well as contacting your advertisers.

Complaining for presentiing biased news

Posted on Oct 14, 2016 at 05:15 PM

Becky says: Isn't George allowed to talk about all of the new Clinton emails that have been leaked out? Doesn't matter who leaked them. Let's hear more about them. So far today you keep harping on Trump at 7:40 am and this is the 3rd time you are slamming him. Biased media? I switched from NBC months ago because they sucked, but now, guess I will go to Fox news to get real unbiased reporting.

Sharon Smith says:

Posted on Oct 10, 2016 at 05:30 PM

Good Morning,

Today is Monday, October 10, 2016 and I would like to know the brand and color of Robin's lipstick. I just love it especially great fall color. I would really appreciate someone getting back to me. Thanks.

Benjamin Barksdale says:

Posted on Oct 08, 2016 at 06:17 AM


My wife Fran and I will be attending the Good Morning America Live Studio Taping on Tuesday, October 11th. We have our priority E-Ticket. My question is, we will be driving from Hamilton, NJ into Times Square. Is there a parking garage near the studio? How much is the parking? We are looking forward to being there. We are so excited.

Debbie George says:

Posted on Oct 07, 2016 at 04:06 AM

Please help raise awareness to the signs and symptoms of Type 1 Diabetes. November is National Diabetes Awareness month and this invisible disease needs some light shed on it at Thanks.

Jan Hghes says:

Posted on Oct 03, 2016 at 06:42 PM

I am very disappointed with show this morning, 10/3. First of all segment featuring doctor on breast cancer was too rushed through and even was cut off for commercial. This is Breast Cancer Awarement Month and I Jan Hghes is a survivor for 7 years and also volunteer as an advocate for the Breast Center in Rome, Ga. I believe that you should do a segment advising all facts concerning breast cancer and importance of not only mammograms but having a clinical breast exam and definitely having the genetic test done. I enjoy watching show since I no longer work but more emphasizes should be put toward breast cancer. There are more than 2.8 million breast cancer survivors in the United States, risk of breast cancer increases as your age and genetic testing and counselling can identify women with higher probability of having breast cancer in their lifetime, come on devote more to this important cause for women and also men for they too can get breast cancer maybe you will do more than just the few minutes this morning. You really should have Aimee Griffian from The Breast Center on show.

Abbie says:

Posted on Sep 24, 2016 at 05:55 PM

The report that you gave about 15 years old from Hagerstown MD was only a portion of what actually happened. Nothing about how she collided herself with a brick into the car which caused an accident and damage to the moving vehicle. Did you see how she was fighting with police? How she assaulted them? Giving them no respect? And did you know she also had drugs on her? Did you check out her lawyers credit abilities? He is making a mountain out of a mole hill. There is a lot more to this story than what was shown. Our town is a small town and only showing half the story is what tears communities apart. Please investigate more into the stories that you show.

Lora Minton says:

Posted on Sep 24, 2016 at 02:27 AM

We have given it three weeks now. It is not that we don't like change but we just don't like the changes made. My husband and I are long time watchers and fans of GMA, but not so much any more. Michael Stahan is great, but Amy Robach is sorely missed, Lara Spencer is not a fit for news reporting, and there is definitely an increased biased slant in the broadcast. Not sure how much longer we can stick in there?

rita says:

Posted on Sep 23, 2016 at 03:17 AM

Why is the heck did ABC changed the format for Good Morning America? Amy and Lara are the reason. I watched your morning show but no more now, Michael has added 0 to your show. He is overrated and his voice is annoying. Hello to the Today show.

Angella says:

Posted on Sep 06, 2016 at 07:29 PM

My name is Angella Kelley, I am the one who nominated Usher for the Hollywood Walk of Fame Star. Because I only found out this past Thursday that his ceremony was the 7th it was to short of notice to find a decent priced flight. It's sad he will never know.

Ruben Aguilar says:

Posted on Sep 05, 2016 at 06:34 PM

Thanks for talking about food trucks on the show. Ww might not be famous like Cam but we are hard working owners that love to cook.

Crossbones Burritos
Fairfax Virginia

Ruben & Michelle Aguilar

norman cooley says:

Posted on Aug 31, 2016 at 09:54 PM

Where the F@#$ did yo get that new white news caster? First the F'n idiot wears a pink jacket then he talks about allowing his daughters to go to a Beyonce concert with her girlfriend. Not only did you guys achieved making white men look stupid again. I hate your promote black male show l hope you racist show goes under and soon.

Michele Roach says:

Posted on Aug 31, 2016 at 04:38 PM

Why haven't you all mentioned the officer that lost his life in an ambush in Maryville Tennessee. His name is KENNY moats. He was a Maryville city police officer

Tonya says:

Posted on Aug 20, 2016 at 11:32 PM

Hello good fan of the show my son Matthew Malysza who is Autistic watches he wanted to know if you could share his drawing. He is very talented..

Brittany zajack says:

Posted on Aug 16, 2016 at 11:48 PM

Hi GMA! I was just wondering if there was anyway I could get VIP tickets for Friday's show with Kelsea Ballerini! thanks so much in advance, I really appreciate it!

Jose Gonzalez says:

Posted on Aug 15, 2016 at 01:45 AM

To whom this may concern:

My name is Jose Gonzalez and I am currently training for the 2016 City of Lakes Half Marathon. The race is being held on 9/11/16 in Minneapolis, Mn. What makes me special and worthy of being featured?

Well, I am attempting to break the Guinness world record for "fastest male to push a double pram for a half marathon". I applied in April and was approved in June. I have been training since and happened to pick up a brooks sponsorship along the way for my team, as i am very confident I can do this. The current record is held at 1:56:44 with an 8:50 pace. I'm currently pacing well under the record pace during my training runs and if all goes well I will be the new world record holder come lunch time on 9/11/16.

I don't know if this will help my chances of Being featured, or get a correspondent on site, but Thanks for your time and look forward to your response.

Jose Gonzalez

Art C says:

Posted on Aug 14, 2016 at 02:19 AM

Hello, I am a fan of the show. On 8/3/16 show, Amy Robach interviewed Scott Eastwood on his movie, Suicide Squad. At the beginning of the interview, there was a catchy female country pop song that was playing briefly in the background. Would you please tell me the name of the song and singer?

Thank you.

greg says:

Posted on Aug 12, 2016 at 01:35 AM

Hello, my name is Greg White and I watched todays interview Lara Spencer and her pending hip replacement sirgery. I had my total left hip replaced last thrsday, 8/4/16. I jst wanted to let her know I was glad I had it done as the pain i had prior was terrible. I live in Pittsbrgh PA and if Lara wold like to call me spport, I can be reached at 412-585-6262.

J Williams says:

Posted on Jul 24, 2016 at 11:33 PM

When some of the guest speakers re: the Democratic Convention were announced on this morning's show, Paula Faris' comment that the lineup sounded more like the Emmy's was inappropriate and unprofessional in my opinion. I thought journalists were supposed to be unbiased. Her opinions should be saved for appearances on The View where at least other members of the cast would be able to respond to her snarky remark.

Deborah Sellers says:

Posted on Jul 23, 2016 at 09:49 AM

How can I make my daughter's dream come true and attend Good Morning America on August 8th. We will be coming from Oklahoma to see the show and this one of key daughter's bucket list items. Please help me make this happen.

Diane bodick says:

Posted on Jul 23, 2016 at 09:16 AM

I'm very disappointed in GMA. On Wednesday you had author Julia Moore on a segment. I find it very shallow that your company had model children in the audience for the book reading. So I guess everyday children aren't good enough for your show. There's no reason you had to have "model" children on your set. This is not sending a good message to "normal" children. You could have asked the first 30 children in line for the show to listen to the story. Your network is not helping support non model children. It's a SHAME!

Ameena Weaver says:

Posted on Jul 11, 2016 at 09:50 PM

Can somebody tell 50 cent to call me i don't have any other way to get in contact with him this is Ameena i'm his girlfriend i need to talk to him he's not texting me either my number is 9082748403.

Debra Ross says:

Posted on Jul 11, 2016 at 09:03 PM

How could you put diamond Reynolds on TV with her attitude? I think you need to walk in the shoes of a police officer for just one day to see what it's really like! I grew up in the '60s, my father was a police officer for 25 years. The things he experienced were terrible. It was hard for the entire family, even when he wasn't on duty. You should be ashamed!

M.Jones says:

Posted on Jul 07, 2016 at 08:34 PM

PLEASE teach Michael Strahan HOW to say the word PICTURE, instead of PITCHER. He is NOT looking at a pitcher. Otherwise, teach him to use the word "photo" or "photograph" instead. It is awful to hear such incorrect and poor pronunciation. Once he is on full-time, Today Show here I come!

Debra J Krengel says:

Posted on Jul 01, 2016 at 10:03 AM

Dear sir or Madam, I am a 63 year old woman divorced 15 years ago and have never remarried. Am on my sixth year of breast cancer survival. With some complications. Here's my problem. Please, I need advice. This year, the IRS has started taking money out of my little checking account, without my permission, and is taking it to pay my x's and his new wife's tax liabilities. They are using the wrong account number. I bank at wellsfargo. He banks at Bank of America. I am sick, in pain, and have called the IRS at least 15 times to correct this. I have even been in touch with an advocate. Every time they say it's fixed, I find out it's not. I cannot afford an attorney. On fixed income. I have put a stop payment on my account. If they take out more money from me, I don't know how to stop them. This is illegal, and fraudulent. Help. Obviously they have picked the wrong account number. Please advise or help me.

Carol Reynolds says:

Posted on May 23, 2016 at 07:09 PM

Can someone tell me if Lara has to be an on camera fixture for GMA? I liked Lara until a year ago when I noticed she appeared more concerned with which celebrity she was interviewing and if she looked good in the camera! She seems to be star struck as well as "trying too hard" to be noticed herself. Last week when Michael appeared she latched onto his arm while filming outside and he appeared very stressed and awkward by her actions--she wouldn't let go! Lara should spend some time off camera til she can contain herself with celebrities and maybe she can stop looking at herself in the camera and adjusting herself. She's not the best people.. with the Today show topping the charts, I'd consider making a replacement that might create a better "team" for GMA. She really seems to like herself a lot.

Joseph Scheckel says:

Posted on May 09, 2016 at 06:16 PM

I was hoping to win the power ball jackpot so I could buy out Lara Spencer's contract and begin to watch GMA again.

Ryan says:

Posted on Apr 14, 2016 at 05:50 PM

Stop the basketball coverage, or at least have it on at the end of the program! The coverage of March Madness is crazy. Today, 4-14-16, the beginning of the show Basketball again. Really- more important than the action on the Baltic Sea- flying within thirty feet of or fleet? Or is basketball nearly as important as one of or law enforcement officers getting shot-six times! I checked again I had ABC on- not a Sport channel. G.M.A. claims to be a News program. If a sport takes precedent over or national news, then G.M.A. belongs on a sports channel.

Richard Sandra Clayton says:

Posted on Apr 12, 2016 at 06:55 PM

Not enough coverage on fraud in Colorado. We were not adequately informed of change. People showed up to vote at the County meetings and were informed then. Half the people walked out furious (record attendance). It was rigged. I am retired federal auditor and know rigging when I see it. Delegates voted wore Cruz tee-shirts and brought their buddies in to vote for them. We are furious!!!!

Sonya Taylor says:

Posted on Feb 25, 2016 at 09:37 AM

Hopefully someone can help me out. I have been trying, since first of Feb, to get tickets to the show on 3/18/16 but with no luck. The Website says Page Unavailable. I have called 212-580-5176 but never an answer and no response to my messages. I have sent 2 different messages to via email but I get the same reply of how to get tickets but nothing works. Can I please get some help? Looking to surprise my sister for her 40th birthday celebration.

garrett Edmisten says:

Posted on Feb 05, 2016 at 07:02 PM

They talked abot the football last years super bowl.... so my question is ...they are not talking abot that this year .....may I ask why ....and the next question is to Lara Spencer ...may I say that she is a beautiful lady and I love her smile . and That I really enjoy watching the show where she can take Things from the flea marker .and make different things with ...And that the whole cast of the GMA..Makes my day as well ..With my morning coffee.may I ask to give this message to Lara .please and can she call talk abot deals and flea markets.. Please the nmber iI can be reached ...and my name is Garrett Edmisten... Thank yo for yor alls time and god bless

Roseann Tanaka says:

Posted on Jan 22, 2016 at 02:35 AM

Approximately 3 months ago, i ordered items form the company Two Adorable, which was on deals and steals. I have not received the items. I have contacted my credit card company to look into them. Any information on the company.
Roseann Tanaka


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