Contact information of Asianet News Channel

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If you are seeking the contact number detail of Asianet News Channel, then we love to help you. We are here to answer your questions like how to contact Asianet News Channel, what is the email id of Asianet News Channel, what is the phone number of Asianet News Channel, office address, fax number, social profiles and many more. Through this article we are trying to share all those sources through which you can easily contact Asianet News Channel. Below we are showing the complete detail of Asianet News Channel, you are requested to look below

Conatct detail of Asianet News Channel

  • Address

    TC 26/621, (1 to 13 No.s) Secretariat Ward, Opposite Kerala Fire and Rescue Services Headquarters, Housing Board Junction, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, Pincode - 695001, India

  • Contact Number

    0471 - 3092000, 3018666, 3018777, 2338982

  • Email Address

  • Website

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comments (7) on Asianet News Channel


Posted on Dec 04, 2016 at 02:28 PM

TINTU DEVASIA says: Dear friend,

I have one request to you that demonetization have lots of merits. As a media, you have the responsibility to highlight the merits. This is the time for re-think.

Tintu Devasia


Posted on Nov 25, 2016 at 11:38 PM

Kumar says: Asianet news is totally against demonetisation. Reasons is any person with basic common sense can understand. A journalist cannot be totally biased and partisan and this is against journalistic ethics. Reputed channel like Asianet news shall maintain some decorum and maintain some level of standard to atleast show that your channel is unbiased and independent. Please do not paint whole demonetisation process black.

sbhash says:

Posted on Sep 23, 2016 at 01:14 PM

dear sir/ madam,

we created a new Malayalam album. the album content is our Malayalam language and culture. can you promote this video through Asianet entertainment news. this is a humble request.
thanks and regards

Manoj says:

Posted on Sep 16, 2016 at 09:45 AM

Asianet news channel's recent stand and style of reporting on a very sensitive issue of Kashmir is not in national interest. We keralites don't subscribe to your very style of reporting. We educated population doesn't only watch Asia net or Malayalam channels but we also carefully watch other national television too, so we are well aware of the situation. We also understand your political interests so don't think Kerala population would swallow your perspectives. What is happening in Kashmir valley is purely a religious insurgency. Some fanatic groups with support from Pakistan is fighting against our secular nation for making Kashmir, a Muslim nation or otherwise join Islamic Pakistan. Can Indian state watch it as a mear spectator? What is the object of Asia net, we have real doubts on your intentions because you are not concerned about the human rights of Kashmiri pandits and the family members of the security personnels who were brutally murdered or injured by the terrorists. So its my humble request to stop this kind of negative reporting.

Veena pillai says:

Posted on Sep 14, 2016 at 08:58 PM

I am from Ulhasnagr. I tried contacting many times regarding the issue of stray dogs being killed in large numbers in Kerala. I need a proper number or contact person to talk about it because it iss injustice what is happening there.

Rony George says:

Posted on Sep 02, 2016 at 03:49 PM

The program 'Akalangile India' is very appreciable. You have been telecasting only about the North India's. I humbly request you to reach the Andra Pradesh where people are unaware of law and order.The number of crime per day in a taluk here is bigger than the number in whole Kerala. Every cases can be vanished with money. So the poor are the sufferer. Many Eg. can be given in you demand. please don't disclose my name.

sony says:

Posted on Feb 21, 2016 at 07:28 PM

hey, asianet stop these kind of stupid news why you people are against the truth and the home country really shame for Malayalam channels to be neutral and to support the home country really shame.


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