Contact information of Angelina Jolie

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209 Reviews
If you are seeking the contact number detail of Angelina Jolie, then we love to help you. We are here to answer your questions like how to contact Angelina Jolie, what is the email id of Angelina Jolie, what is the phone number of Angelina Jolie, office address, fax number, social profiles and many more. Through this article we are trying to share all those sources through which you can easily contact Angelina Jolie. Below we are showing the complete detail of Angelina Jolie, you are requested to look below

Conatct detail of Angelina Jolie

  • Address

    9200 Sunset Boulevard, Suite 810, West Hollywood, CA 90069, USA

  • Contact Number


  • Contact Person

    Angelina Jolie

  • Email Address

  • Website

By using above information, you can contact Angelina Jolie and ask you questions give feedback, leave suggestions and many more.
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  • Website support english language, So please write in english only.
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comments (209) on Angelina Jolie


Posted on Dec 04, 2016 at 05:36 AM

Timmy Piakon says: I have a great admired person for all your movies. Please write back and I will share more about myself.

Need help

Posted on Dec 03, 2016 at 08:35 AM

David Monge says: Hello,
I don't know if this is your real email (Angelina), but I tried to know you by this way.
First: Who is me? I am David Monge. I am Costarican and live here. Sorry I do not speak or write a good English. I am 30 years old. I studied mechanical dental but I don't finish it. Now I am study accounting. I need to study a three semester more and I will finish it.

Second: Why write you? Because I need your help for a Foundation for the health of teeth. I need that you lend me a one million of dollar, and I will pay you each month in a little fee. In my country the health of teeth is very expensive. The people can not pay it. I want to help them because I feel that I can but I need you help first to me.
I put the money in the bank and with interests I will help people and pay you. It is a basic plan but I need the money. We can make a contract.

Third: Why you? Because I know that you help other people in the world and I think maybe you can help here.

I do not know if this is the correct way for asking for help, but my spirit only tell me.

Asking for help

Posted on Dec 02, 2016 at 06:47 PM

Cesar Ramirez says: Hello Mrs Anjelina,
My name is Cesar. I am from Guatemala but I live here in Salisbury Maryland since 14 years. I am father of 3 with children's age 4-7 and 9. I am alone with them. I need your help. My phone number is 4106034***. My wife has been diported. Thank you.

Need help regarding job

Posted on Nov 29, 2016 at 01:39 AM

shanila kamran says: Hello Angelina Jolie,
I am Shanila Kamran from Pakistan. Please help me with job. I have two kids with no house and no money. I have qualification of Bsc hons and my husband is pass out engineer in electrical but with no job. Please help us.

Message from fan

Posted on Nov 27, 2016 at 03:30 PM

SHAKTI RATHORE says: I am Shakti your biggest fan. This is my cell phone number 8305033***. I really miss you. I understand your problem. You are so rich and are so beautiful. You are my lady god.

Need help as a fan

Posted on Nov 27, 2016 at 01:00 AM

miriam says: Dear Angelina Jolie,
I am a teenage girl from South Africa and is a very big fan of yours. I love all your movies and I love acting. I was kind of hoping that you could help me fulfill my hearts desires by helping me get a role in a movie. I know I am asking too much but please I need your help. I would be very happy if you would help me. I will understand if you can't.

Need to make contact

Posted on Nov 26, 2016 at 06:07 PM

Nyla W says: Please get in touch. Do not want to publicaly state anything but insist that I would like Angelina's input/ opinion on a long standing matter which may be of her interest. Please get in touch to discuss further. Kind regards.

Need help for a kidney patient

Posted on Nov 22, 2016 at 03:31 PM

Zahib aria says: Hello Angelina,
My young daughter have a kidney problem. Please help her and save her life. It's a request. Thank you.

Asking for job

Posted on Nov 22, 2016 at 11:11 AM

Fazal says: Hello Angelina Jolie,
I think it will go well. I am Fazal from India. I need a job may be part time or with team. Please help me and reply me.

Asking for help

Posted on Nov 21, 2016 at 10:03 AM

Shannon Simms says: Dear Angelina Jolie,
In regards to all the work you have done with United Nation. Is there anything being done for Aleppo? As you are probably aware, there is genocide being in place against them. There is no help coming from our administration. The United Nation is silent. I know this is your fan site and I am a fan. Any help, phone call, appreciated. These people are being wiped out.

Mail from fan

Posted on Nov 20, 2016 at 02:52 PM

Fatima says: Dear Mrs Jolie,
I don't know if it is the best way to reach you for the purpose of my request, but I tried, if there is another way a better way please let me know. No need to say that I am a huge fan of yours as an actress and as a woman. You are an icon, you are a beauty, you are a personality but what I like the most from you is the wideness of your heart and your fight for people without voice, in the need, in distress beacuse I am very sensitive about your goals and fights. I would like to work for you. I would like to know how can I apply for a job in order to help you either in your private life or in your professionnal life, in different ways. I can support you in many ways. I would be very pleased to help you in any way. Awaiting for your reply further to my demand.

Kind regards,

A request to make contact

Posted on Nov 19, 2016 at 06:47 PM

Leona Lopez says: Dear Miss Angelina Jolie,
I need to talk to you. If I don't talk to you then I will never be happy for the rest of my life and I am not even playing.
I am so sorry to hear that things didn't work out between you and your ex-husband. You are such a strong woman so very inspirational, intelligent, giving and obviously beautiful. In fact you are the most beautiful person I have ever seen in my life. I would travel around the world with you in a heart beat. Be there for your beautiful children and no doubt be there for you day in day out as in 24/7 as in never sleep but seriously please contact me and make one more person out of all the millions of hearts. You have touched happy so that when I do leave this planet I will be happy knowing that I actually got to speak to you regardless of where we may go. I know it is selfish because you recently divorced but at least having a chat with me will cheer you up. Believe me I am a funny person as in funny and no one is completely sane so I guess you could say I am also funny in the head. Let's face it who how can we be sane in such an insane.

Need help for project

Posted on Nov 16, 2016 at 08:07 AM

Jair says: Hello Angelina,

Nice to meet you. I am Jair from Colombia. I am other one fan of yours. I have created a new company and I need support. I would be highly grateful if you can help us to continue with our project.

Best regards,

Need financial help to build a school

Posted on Nov 15, 2016 at 10:34 PM

abbas rehmat says: I am a Christian and I live in Pakistan. In Pakistan many Christian people are not able to afford their children fees. Those children cannot go to school. They waste their time and start the drugs. Me and my wife teach the children in our home. More people come in my home and said to me that you teach our children but I have no more place in our room. I want a building for school. Please I request you that you help me in my great mission. I was trying to contact you in some days but cannot. Please help me. I need your help. Please do contact with me. God give you more success. God bless you.

Asking for sorry

Posted on Nov 14, 2016 at 10:20 PM

Amanda Hines says: Hello,
It is Amanda again. I did my post and then I read some other posts and now I feel horrible for asking you for help. I know you have enough going on in your life without worrying about other peoples problems on top of that. I am not usually one to ask for help and I am sorry I even tried I just didn't know what else to do. That is not your problem though and I am truly sorry for bothering you with my issues. I will figure it out. I do want to say though that you are amazing and with everything that you have done to make this world a better place, you are a true hero. Thank you for being you. I am sorry again to have put my problems on you like that.

Need help urgently

Posted on Nov 14, 2016 at 10:12 PM

Amanda Hines says: Hello,
My name is Amanda Hines and I desperately need your help. Everything that can and has gone wrong this year. My father is sick and homeless and I have been paying to help him get situated again. I lost my job, my car is about to break down, I can't afford rent next month and I am terrified to look my kids in their eyes and tell them not only is Santa not coming but we are going to be sleeping in my car for awhile. I am trying so hard to do this on my own. I got another job but I am not making enough to catch back up and I never get to see my children. I have tried starting a business online but of course my computer crashed before I finished. I feel like a complete failure to my family and I just need to start over. Can you help me? I don't expect much if anything at all, I know times are tough for everyone and the world is full of people that take advantage of others and waste it. I promise if you can help me at all, I will not waste it. I will make something of myself for you and my kids, my father and myself. Please help me.

Need financial help

Posted on Nov 13, 2016 at 10:27 PM

Dominique says: Hello, My name is Dominique and I am a Haitian. I do not live in the United States but I have worked together with others to create a non-profit organization that is called Youth embassy. Our purpose is to help plant trees in Haiti and boost the national production. My country have a lot of land being wasted and the people is dying of hunger. Haiti do not have a government that cares about the people and we don't have no real organization to help us. Everyone is just getting rich off Haiti. I am looking for help to be able to plant food for the people and help the farmers. We are being hit by all natural disasters because we do not have no trees. Please help us. My contact information; Email:, phone: 1 809 619 5***. I am reachable at any time, anyone whose willing to give a helping hand please contact me.
Thank you.

Suggestion from a fan

Posted on Nov 11, 2016 at 12:50 AM

Herla says: Hello,

Don't divorce. Good men is hard to find and Brad is the one for you. It will be difficult to forgive for the worse and the good times. Be strong and be together.

Take care

Message from a fan

Posted on Nov 08, 2016 at 09:17 PM

Irene says: Hello Mrs Angelina,
My name is Irene and I came from Greece. I am 10 years old like your daughter Shiloh. I have got a twin sister. Please send me an email?

Fan's mail

Posted on Nov 04, 2016 at 10:08 PM

Sihle Madlala says: Hello Angelina,
I am a 33 years old black South African guy. I wish my dream of acting to be recognised as one I like it very much and you are the only one who can help me as you are my one of best actresses I know. I like you so much. Please feature me in any series or movie.

Talking about family matter

Posted on Oct 31, 2016 at 02:48 PM

Costel L. says: Hello,
My name is Costel. I would like to contact Angelina Jolie regarding my personal marriage. I know she is been mistreated by her late husband. I am in the same situation with my wife after 23 years. I found out she is been cheating on me while I have been supporting her for all this years.

Require help for immigration papers

Posted on Oct 31, 2016 at 01:48 AM

Ashley Frederick says: Hello, I wanted to see if you were interested in funding my husband's immigration papers? My kids are living in Poza Rica Veracruz, Mexico and they are in danger due to the gang violence. I just want to get my husband legal and bring my family back to the U.S. If you are interested then help me. Reach me at 964-624-3***.

Fan's mail

Posted on Oct 30, 2016 at 02:49 AM

Mohammed says: Hello Angelina Jolie,
My name is Mohammed from Jordan. I am 23 years old. I honestly love all your works. You are so wonderful and benevolent. Is it possible to talk? I want to talk on a very important issue with you. My phone number is +962797405***.

Message as a fan

Posted on Oct 30, 2016 at 02:09 AM

Abdelhak fodil says: Hello madam,

It will take a couple of minutes to read my message. I wish you can understand me for you. I am just a fan, how you don't know for me? You are the way for my dream ao I am a director of photographic in Algeria. I am married and I have a child boy of 3 months old. Angelina, my dream is move to America, I love cinema and I love to be behind scene and in light. Lighting for me is more then job. Is everything for me. I love my job and I want to work in Hollywood with money or not with money. For me if I work in Hollywood then I don't have word to say you what I have in my heart. Please help me and if you do I never forget that and if you do then you have helped someone to realize his big dream. Please help me.

Prayers from fan

Posted on Oct 30, 2016 at 12:46 AM

Van P says: Wishing only good things for Ms. Jolie moving forward. Good thoughts, prayers and best wishes for her and family.

Peter says:

Posted on Oct 29, 2016 at 03:08 AM

Lennon and McCartney song "We Can Work It Out". Prayers that two people can keep their family together. Experience as a child and father. Painful either way. Stay you all will be winners.

Presenting a view

Posted on Oct 28, 2016 at 10:34 AM

P.N.Ramamoorthy says: Dear Angelina, I think karma is something which we can talk in detail. If interested then mail me. Bye.

Fan's letter

Posted on Oct 27, 2016 at 06:13 PM

karma says: Hello Angelina,

I am Karma. Please let me know if you receive this as my email, and if I can write more with you. Can you write to me at my email address below? Thank you.


Misbahuddin faridi says:

Posted on Oct 26, 2016 at 10:49 PM

Hello Angelina Jolie,

How are you? I am fine by the grace of god or the most beneficient and merciful. First of all accept my friendship with you because I think you are very near to god and their respective massengers such as Hazrat Mosa a.s, Hazrat Joseph a.s, Hazrat Ibraheem a.s, the great messenger Jesus Christ i.e. the soul of god and the great lady Bibi Mariam and finally the great of the greatest Hazrat Mohammad s.a and our mother Bibi Fatima Zohra r.a, Hazrat Ali r.a, Hazrat Hussain r.a along with Hassan r.a i.e. the heroes of the kalbala battle fought for the existence of Islaam religion.

Stacey palin says:

Posted on Oct 24, 2016 at 08:43 AM


My name is Stacey Palin and I live in pawtucket 11 Ashton St. Ri. I have 4 beautiful children... Been in domestic realationships, abusive, now mine is disabled, well fell so hard because of this, I hardly have food, getting evicted in 2 weeks, no we're for me and children to go, I always been strong, worked my whole life, I fell with depression and anxiety.. I'm trying to make this better, be strong.. Everything seems so hard, I cry, my kids cry they don't want to separate from me, but I don't know what else to do, but to reach out for help, for anytbing,...trying to be strong but so weak... Stacey palin

Suggestion by fan

Posted on Oct 23, 2016 at 10:31 PM

robin says: Hello Angelina, I know what you are going through, trust me. Do not divorce Mr. Pitt, it is the worst mistake to be made. Feeling like a failure after all the diverse attempts of creative expression. Its not simply good endeavour- don't blame Brad. Please look at yourself, be soft, not brittle, forgive and do not think it is him as it is not. I thought that two of my marriage was wrong. Can succeed with Brad, I am begging you to seperate and not to divorce. He will be snapped up by someone else. Washington DC is fickle. Another actress was named Goodwill Ambassador but not Angie. Still do your great deeds, so vital, but with Brad, please. This is my fourth blog.

Need help

Posted on Oct 19, 2016 at 03:35 PM

varsha sanganbhai ratiya says: Hello Angelina,

You are the most gorgeous lady in this world. The reality is that Angelina Jolie is matchless great person who stays always in people's heart, ideal for people. We can teach too many things from your life. We truely too much like your personality. I am your biggest fan. I am someone like you very much. You are favourite of someone so I draw your painting. I want to study more. I have no money for it. I am from India from Gujarat, porbandar, ratiya village. I have two sisters and one brother. We are farmer and we have no good income. I need your help for my little good future. So please help me. You can make our life by little help. Please buy your painting which is made by me. Give me your whatsapp number. I will send your painting's photo to you. +917046701*** and +917203068*** are my mobile numbers. I know gujrati in language. So please talk with me in English very slowly when you contact me. Painting is too good, please tell me, send me photo frame which you like. I will frame it in your choice. Please send me your mobile and whatsapp number. I am ratiya varsha sanganbhai, 21 years old girl.

Message from fan

Posted on Oct 18, 2016 at 10:03 AM

Dane Chapman says: I hope that life has a new path, one that heartache despair are behind you. Take the time to reflex on the rights and path and privacy that is solely.

I am a Canadian fan to say that I least loved all the movies. Just wanted to wish you a happy life and the best in the your new path of life.

Be well.

A fan with movie stories

Posted on Oct 17, 2016 at 10:07 PM

Hoda kamali says: Hello, My name is Hoda Kamali and I am contacting you from Iran. I have written some stories with fair content. I would like to make movie based on my stories. If you are interested then please kindly contact me.

Asking for help

Posted on Oct 17, 2016 at 02:50 AM

Isaac Jerry says: You gave life to me. You gave hope to me. Please I need your help very urgent. I am trying to get to the United States to study and I am unable to so please help me. You can prepare the flight yourself and I will take it. My contact info are +2348093449*** and 23 alhaji jimoh sodiq street alhaji ede busstop igando Lagos Nigeria.

Need a free sample of skin care

Posted on Oct 13, 2016 at 11:51 PM

Margaret robertson says: Hello, I was trying to get the free sample of skin care, but the system keeps crashing. My address is 33 Keirs brae cardenden lochgelly fife Scotland. Is there any way you can help me as I would be very much like to try it?

Looking for help

Posted on Oct 12, 2016 at 12:27 AM

P K Kailasa Babu says: Dear Angelina,
My name is P K Kailasa Babu. I am 65 years old and I am retired government officer from the government of India. I have two grown up daughters who happen to be twins. With whatever little savings I had at the time of my retirement I have married off one of my two daughter. Now the marriage of my second daughter is fixed for February, 2017. As you may be aware marriage in our country is an expensive affair and do not have the required money for meeting the expenses of the marriage of my daughter. I have heard of your activities in charity. I am sure you would be involved with many charitable organisations in and around Delhi. Would you be kind enough to help me in getting employment with any such organisations so that I am able to finance my daughter's marriage. It will be a great relief to a needy father. Thank you and God bless you.

steven says:

Posted on Oct 10, 2016 at 03:55 PM

Hello Angelina,

My name is Steven and I am a crazy fan of yours. I am still single and I heard that you had a divorce, and wonder if I have a chance for a date. I am 37 and is a citizen of Taiwan and Australia. I am now in China. I would like to ask you if you like coming with me. You may email me. I love you dearly. Please email me at Also please download "momo" its a software like Yahoo messenger for smart phone, and have my real photo on it so that you can take a look. My momo ID is: 160157026 and my contact is +0086 18948217***.

Wish you a nice day.

pinakin p brahmbhatt says:

Posted on Oct 07, 2016 at 11:05 AM

Hello Angelina,
I am from India and I just want to tell you that you are really a great actress and you got a lot of followers all around the world and obviously I am one of them but the most important thing is I feel you have got certain spiritual power in you and don't know why but I can feel. I hope to meet you once in life if got a chance. All the best and wishes for your new life and career. My contact number is 00919825064***. One day I will hear you so take care and god bless.

solomon mun says:

Posted on Oct 06, 2016 at 11:57 PM

Dear Angelina Jolie,

I am sorry that you got divorced. I had a dream that you and Brad should get back together. I really think you should get back together as you and Brad are the best couples I have seen. You make a perfect match, like Mr. and Mrs. Smith, that movie was really good. I will be sending some letters to you someday. Alot of people know where you live and I would put that as classified. You are the boss and I pray for your family. If you have a chance to come by my business feel free to contact at 8041 imperial hwy downey ca 90242. Make a private classified. Another thing if you have a job for me let me know as I need a job. My mother has cancer and I want to make money to help her. If you or anyone that can help me with tactical training let me know as soon as possible. You can train me. You know everything (classified). I love you and Brad. Be safe and take care.

Therese stewart says:

Posted on Oct 06, 2016 at 07:48 PM

Hello, my name is Therese Stewart. I am 61 and I am writing to you for help with money. I am in a financial hard ship. I am really hoping that you would find it in your heart to help me. It is said in a Forbes list that you are kind to people around and generous, so I am hoping that you will help me. I am in need of 80.000, is there anyway you can help me? It will be used to pay up my rent and utilities and buy food in for my medical needs and pay off rental center.

Kromah says:

Posted on Oct 01, 2016 at 08:27 AM

Hello Angelina, my reason of writing to you is that I want to help and do some volunteer job. Any hand can help so I am a medical assistant who is going to school for healthcare administration.

hamida says:

Posted on Oct 01, 2016 at 04:52 AM

Dear Angelina Jolie,

It is with a hopeful heart that I am writing to you these few lines wishing an echo to my call. My name is Ahmed Yahia Hamida and I am 40 years old. I come from a modest family from Algeria and my father passed away since 2003. My mother is aged of 80 years and she suffers from several diseases as Parkinson's, diabetes, High blood pressure and she is bedridden because of a fractured pelvis. We are six sisters at home we don’t have brothers and only three of us work. We are victims of a big scam which is the cause that we are suffering from financial situation. All these things pushed me to appeal to you, counting on your understanding.
Please accept my deep respect. I am looking forward receiving a positive answer.

Miss Hamida ahmed Yahia

building block says:

Posted on Sep 30, 2016 at 12:47 AM

I am here reading these messages and I am thinking does Angelina really read these? With all that is going on right now and with so much to do but I will still try to communicate and leave the rest to God. I really would like to talk to you. Its something you probably hear most of the time but I assure you I do not want to waste your time as of you do ever read these. Please email me on


sana says:

Posted on Sep 29, 2016 at 02:29 PM

Hello, I love you so much. I know you are very famous. I need so much help from you as I have a big problem regarding health issues. I need help and effort from you. I know you do much for human, but I need you please, can you send me your answer and help?

avi guzman says:

Posted on Sep 29, 2016 at 04:22 AM

I love you as you have been an inspiration through out my life. You are so beautiful and kind and have inspired and helped me in so many ways, through your films, humanitarian work and almost in every aspect of my life. I have been very down lately, and I am even more down in hearing what you are going through. I know it is selfish of me to think of my small problems when there is so much going on around but I just want you to know that I love you for what you are and what you have endured but not what is said on the tabloids or people seeking to destroy you and the beatiful family you have build.

Sammy Hashim says:

Posted on Sep 28, 2016 at 08:51 PM

Hello, although I am a fan but this is not why I would like to contact Mrs. Angelina Jolie. I am a Canadian living in the Middle East, more specifically Syria, and would love the opportunity to help at the international level if possible.

ogbonnaya victor ebuka says:

Posted on Sep 26, 2016 at 09:05 PM

Hello Jolie, may God help through your pains and may he order your steps to the right. I am ogbonnaya victor ebuka and a big fan of yours. God bless you.

Muhammad Ramadan says:

Posted on Sep 26, 2016 at 07:45 PM

May peace be upon you,
To my dearest sister, whom I adore since I was a kid watching you acting in Hollywood. The first movie, I watched was tomb rider and that set my eyes on you. I became mesmerized by your beauty and your smile. I am God fearing person so to me I respect others religions and it sadden me to know that people are taking advantage and some are clueless about Islam. There can only be one God and that is what I believed that you can help me to change the world to be a better place to stay in peace and not wars. I don't write these words out of my own desires. I wrote these words from my sincerely heart. Since I was a kid, I read all these stories about all prophets it really makes me wonder, Is it true that the history began in this way? We all are the same it makes no different but nowadays everyone doesn't have moral standard nor do they able to think wisely. Rubbish thrown away on the grass, eating foods and left it there without anyone to pick it up. I feel so ashamed for these people when I pray asking God to show me the way and yes God has shown me the way.

Trevor Wakely says:

Posted on Sep 25, 2016 at 05:07 PM

Hello Angelina Jolie,

When I heard about you and Brad, I was heart broken but then happy to hear it because here is my chance for a date if you don't mind. I am from Grand falls-Windsor newfoundland, Canada. I don't have money like Brad do but when you look at it money can't buy love. By saying that I can offer you my warm and loving heart for you and your children. So please don't judge me based upon who I am because I am just a normal guy that has a big heart that is filled and ready to love and be loved.

Sameera says:

Posted on Sep 24, 2016 at 08:20 PM

For the sake of your lovely children who need both a mother and father in their lives. Go and seek marital counselling with Brad. Both are going through possibly midlife problems and teenage kids difficulties. Nothing is there that can't be solved out with love, patience and understanding. Don't go to lawyers that will profit from your misery. Please stop, think and talk things through. Your kids deserve that.

Fay says:

Posted on Sep 24, 2016 at 02:02 AM

Hello Angelina,
I am looking for someone who can help families in need. Your small help can stand up so many families out of debt and make them run a normal life. No charity or celebrity ever work for this purpose where we can hold each others hands and make a cycle to help each other. You are working with so many charities but think about honourable families who can not ask someone in these bad situations where they have no place to go instead of paying off resources. If you will help me, I can set up a charity who can self finance with your small help.
You can contact me at 00447577405***.

Jillane McGahhey says:

Posted on Sep 22, 2016 at 11:36 PM

Dear Angelina,

Please get this to Angelina Jolie. I looked at a picture on the other day and thought I am so glad Brad and Angelina have made it this far. I even prayed.

Then an announcement came of divorce within couple of days. I was so sad to hear.

I wanted to ask if a seasoned counsellor was considered? I know one of them that has been so good to even the movie stars. His name is Gary Smalley and his two sons carried on with marriage counselling at site He is the writer of many books. Another one is on the web They are in California, Texas and Indiana. Help and deep happiness is right around the corner. Marriage is so important to the children. I hope you all can reconcile.

God Bless, Jillane McGahhey

CP Chong says:

Posted on Sep 22, 2016 at 03:31 PM

We would like to extend our invitation to a preview of 88 suites in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. 88 suites is a boutique SOHO Development undertook from YCT Land, a Malaysian developer.

Luc prieur says:

Posted on Sep 21, 2016 at 11:44 PM


Sorry to bother you but my friend Rejean is a single dad of 5 kids. And he would like to meet you, since everybody knows that you are single now. He is sharing the same love for kids and they have the same age. I am sure you too would be a good match. If you feel, you can reach him at

Thank you and good luck.


Posted on Sep 21, 2016 at 10:41 AM

Dear Angelina,

My name is Marta. I work as a Pilates and Yoga instructor in San Francisco. I totally hear you really well, as I read the news of wanting to leave your husband Brad.

I am not divorced, but I can't stand my husband either. He lives in Santa Ana, California supporting my little daughter who attends OCSA. This separation is going really well. I suggest you to separate for a while, before you break up to a divorce. We are all growing older and later on you will regret when you find out he finds other ladies to mess around. Don't divorce him, get apart for a while and see each other two times a month. Try this and see how you feel.

Please email me at your convenience. I am clever, originally form Barcelona, sing wisdom and freedom to move forward to stay positive and feel happiness in each moment as it arrives. Love to meet you and be your friend too. Might peace be within you.


Rizwan Siddiqi says:

Posted on Sep 21, 2016 at 08:11 AM

This is only my concern about peace. Before getting born, we never wish that what country, what language, what color, what height, what religion I want to get born. May be I get born in any other religion, who knows? I have lot to say but I want to contact Angelina Jolie or any celebrity to make a movie on peace. I have many ideas. I want to share with any writer or any movie star after tour. Briefly talking about it and this is my hundred percent believe that it will be very helpful to make a peace in this world, without warning, without arm, without killing, without hurting anyone. But I need to contact and talk about peace. This is very serious matter so if anyone can help me to contact any celebrity or writer. So that I can give them many ideas to make a peace. It is very painful, heating and sad for me because many people are dying and suffering. This not because of my faith but only for human being. That's all I want, I don't care that people belonging to any faith but my concern ia to stop this bloody shit. I don't have to force and I am trying my best with hundred percent positive intention for everyone.

Rizwan Siddiqi says:

Posted on Sep 21, 2016 at 08:08 AM

Hello Angelina Jolie,
I want to talk to you on a very important matter. The situation of the world is going worse then worse and its increasing. We can see the situation in middle east and I knew that Angelina Jolie visited one of the refugees camp. I am working on my book of faith from last 15 years and I knew the reason and the solution. I am trying my best to make people realize for what they are doing? No one is with me but only God. I love with respect all people on this earth of God, because all people is open to God and all people believe in God with different ways. It's not my concern that what faith they are following, even if no one needs to ask about faith but I have to respect all people because of some reason. Who else reading this email, so I love you with respect. I can't hate anyone because we all here in this temporary world to leave anytime but we never know that when we are going to leave this world. No one can challenge that they live forever or we can't tell that when, where, what year, what month, what day, what time we are going to leave.

Aixa Lorena Niebles Bossio says:

Posted on Sep 21, 2016 at 06:46 AM

Hello Angelina, My name is Lorena Aixa Niebles Bossio. I am 13 years old and I am from Columbia. Since I was 5 years old, I am your fan. I love your movies especially Maleficent. I loved that movie, but I also like your personality. You have to help and inspire others to achieve their dreams and illusions. I always wanted to meet you, but I could not because of economic situations. So I hope someday you come to my country, because here you will have very friendly, hospitable people and cultures full of things that you could not get anywhere else and even halloween 2014. I had disguised maleficent from 3 years because I loved it especially the villains. I hope you may reply and if you want to call my cell number is 3124134***.
Thank you.

John Estrada says:

Posted on Sep 21, 2016 at 04:45 AM

Hello Angelina, sorry to hear about your recent split with Brad Pitt. If you would like to talk to a non-Hollywood star I will be more than willing to listen. I have been a big fan of yours from day one. This is the first time, I ever wrote to you. I am not a stalker. How about an autograph photo? In my opinion, you are the most beautiful woman ever to walk the earth. I am eagerly in await of your reply.

michael abrera says:

Posted on Sep 20, 2016 at 02:39 PM

Hello Mam,

I need help. I am a father of 3 children. I was an employee of Cris liner ship but unfortnately I had an accident. Now I am disabled and I don't have a job. I have no money and nobody to help me. I don't know what to do. Please help me to find a little business to raise my children. Mam, I am begging you, please help me or else I will kill myself. You can contact me at +639429481***.

ahmed says:

Posted on Sep 20, 2016 at 04:26 AM

Hello Angelina, my name is Ahmed Dali from Tunisian and I am 26 years old. I am really in love with you. You are really everything in my life. Can't imagine how much I want to meet you as this was always my dream and I hope one day it will happen.

Diana Cifentes says:

Posted on Sep 19, 2016 at 10:44 PM

Hello Angelina Jolie, hope you are doing well. I admire you and look up to you. I wanted to ask you if you can help me and my three kids? We are struggling and we will be evicted from our apartment soon. I don't have family or anyone to help. Can you please help us?
Please email me even if it is just to say hello. Thanks for your time to read.

boutamine omar says:

Posted on Sep 16, 2016 at 06:27 PM

Hello Angelina, I am omar from Algeria. I am 23 years old and I have something to say. First hope it to stay between you and me, please. I am a little poor man in love with a girl and I am planning to marry her but I don't have money to do so. Please help me.

Edith Miguel says:

Posted on Sep 16, 2016 at 12:25 AM

Good evening Angelina Jolie,

I hope my letter finds you and your family in a blessed mood. Angelina I would like to ask a help from you. I am a mother of five beautiful baby girls but life in our country is very dificult especially now and as a mother all I want is to provide the best education to my kids but its not easy. On 2/27 this month my second born is turning seven but I dont know what to do and give. All she is asking from me is a birthday party. I don't know what to provide, help me please. I forgot but I also have twins.

Nesrin says:

Posted on Sep 15, 2016 at 12:59 AM

Dear Mrs Angelina,
My name is Nesrin. I would like to talk to you about my problem can you please send me your email id. I will give you my information.

Linda says:

Posted on Sep 13, 2016 at 10:36 PM

Hi.mrs angelina my name is linda im 25years old algerian girl graduated from university of algiers i have master in business law and diploma of english language i spean french arabic intermediary level in spanish and turkish and basic level in german i couldn't keep learning because it costs money to learn these laguages im very sad i can't achieve my dream to be a diplomat in algeria its almost impossible because pf bureaucratic system im not rich or daughter of politician to get a job they refused me to work in united nations organization in algeria bcs of i have to be sent by a powerful person i need your help because you help kids in arabic counties i love your way of being and helping because i want to help but unfortunately i cant i had 3 surgeries this years and one sugery since when i was 12 years old because a peoblem of my bones and now i need to do a surgey for my eyes to correct my vision my parents are saving money for me we are poor but all what i want now is to realize my dream to get a job in united nations in algeria please help me i tried to contact university of

Nthabiseng says:

Posted on Sep 13, 2016 at 07:40 PM

Dear Angelina,

I am a big Fan and also amazed by the work you do.

My name is Nthabiseng from South Africa and I am in need of Help. My Husband was diagnosed with Massimo Rectal Cancer and he went to a major operation. By the Grace of God he survived the cancer. The problem is when he was hospitalised his medical aid run out of funds and I had no choice but apply for loans to pay some of the medical bills. when all this was happening we were busy with the renovations of the hose, we now cant finish the renovations because we are in debt and cant afford anything. I tried to get a second job but I am not getting anything. We now cant afford anything and the or home is not plastid inside is like we are living in a cave. the condition of or home is not good for or health especially for my six year old daughter.

can I humbly ask if you can help me and my family.

Thanking you in advance.

Warm Regards

khaled says:

Posted on Sep 13, 2016 at 05:18 PM

As you are aware no doubt the distress in our countery yemen is became very intense peace and srablity detroited .I have very high skill football and valiball natural unfortuntely I had like to get course in America I promise the best coach in the world specialy football .several times I have tried to travel to america unfortuntely no luck.actually I born in Ethiopia my father yemeni and my mother ethiopian I left ethiopia and started living in yemen .I have been working in travel industry for 15years .airlines reservation and hotel with tour program .a lot of airlines certificate with high school and diploma with human resourse .I woud be very great full to involve since you and your husband my favourite actor .for the most beutiful woman gave what you have whther reply no I have under oath for my god to pray for you sincerely khaled

khaled says:

Posted on Sep 13, 2016 at 04:15 AM

I realy impressed the most talented and lovely first lady woman involved tremendous good deeds .the most beutiful woman gave what you have I woud promise to my lord to pray for her regularly for healthy to live with lovely family brad pit and her children .god bless you

Eleanor Tremayne says:

Posted on Sep 12, 2016 at 07:30 PM

This is probably a futile attempt, but here it goes . I am an unpublished author with a novel manuscript, Destiny Revisited that I know would be a best seller and movie. Five decades, from the 60's to now, Gabriella Girard has been tormented by her lost high school lover Jake Chevalier, who loses his leg in Viet Nam and married the nurse that cares for him. However, Jake never forgets Gabby. Thirty years later at his memorial service, Gabby is given The Death Box. Jake has prepared a global trip to prove to Gabby that even death will not separate them. Gabby is lead by the literary influences in her head to try and understand why her life has evolved in this way. There are other twists and turns that keep the reader always asking what will Gabby do next . All I need is someone to guide me to the right source . Please help me.

NL says:

Posted on Sep 12, 2016 at 02:26 AM

stop asking help from her, her big heart can burst from all the pain so show her some kindness without expectation and god help us all to bether future..

sylvester aura says:

Posted on Sep 09, 2016 at 03:03 AM

Enter your comment...
hey whatsap, my name is Sylvester aura from Nairobi Kenya, I do write scripts like right now I have written three scripts & am still writing the fourth one,I really want to join you in movie industry, so am requesting if you can please assist me to reach on my goals through working with me or even if I can sell to you my scripts,you can reach me through my Facebook Page which is Sylvester aura or my gmail account or my Instagram page Sylvester aura or my phone number which is +254708862425..

Zoe Soetenz says:

Posted on Sep 09, 2016 at 01:45 AM

Hey, I would absolutely love for Angelina To be part of my charity project to raise awareness and pass my EPQ That would be more than amazing if a role model like Angelina Jolie could feature in my project such an inspiration to me please contact me of this is possible in a shape or form!

Barbara budhoo says:

Posted on Sep 08, 2016 at 10:32 AM

Hi miss jolie my so suffered a traumatic brain injury that left him mentally challenged, he gets seizures very often and he does not have any feeling on the right side of his body. I had to quit my job as a can to stay home and take care of him. I had a saving of $47 that I invested I invested in a clothes store but due to my son's expenses I am unable to restock my store. My only source of income. Please I am asking for your help and from whoever reads my letter. Whatever little help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you for reading my letter and may the good lord continue to bless you and your Camilla..

Paul J Rubottom says:

Posted on Sep 07, 2016 at 12:41 AM

Earlier I requested A signed photo for a friend if I need to go to another sight let me know where I need to apply thanks Paul Rubottom 1009 W 7th Ave. Emporia Kansas66801. Please send a short response I know your very busy let me know what to do??

Habibeh Fareghi says:

Posted on Sep 05, 2016 at 12:44 AM

Hello ,
Please, I can not write English or can't speak good, so can I write Farsi? I need your help, please tell me. Do you like to listen to the story of my life?
I am a Persian woman.
I am from Iran.
I am living in Hoston TX.

dede kabwe kibinda says:

Posted on Sep 04, 2016 at 05:21 PM

Hi Mrs jolie. l am a 36 year old married man from DRC Congo living in Namibia under refugee statement. I left my country running away from government behaviors which brought disasters to my life.l lost my mother and sister in the government conflicts then decided to get refuge in Namibia since in Namibia currently,facing unemployment, discrimination, and more other issues which make me hopeless to build my life and my 3 kids future.l would like to ask your help as l wish to be resettle to the third country. please dear Angelina jolie, help me to live this country and go where l can built my life and my children future. please dear don't reject my issue.l am very hopeless living in a country which does not allowing a refugee to work.may your assistance please. my contact is, +264813507108.

dede kabwe kibinda says:

Posted on Sep 04, 2016 at 04:45 PM

Hi lovely misses. I am a 36 year old man living in Namibia for 10 years under refugee statement. my country of origins is Democratic republic of Congo. l left the country running from government behaviors which misruled my life and get refuge in Namibia (Osire).l am currently married to a Namibian citizens and have 3 children. Namibia government does not allow us to work or benefit from their good. l came to realize waist of my time and hopeless of my future. l would like to ask for your support as l wish to go for the third country with my family and find a country which can allow me to built my life. l will be waiting for your answer. please help me.

Betty Beck says:

Posted on Aug 28, 2016 at 10:25 PM

Angie, I am a fan. I am not writing as a fan today, only a person in need of help and no one else to ask. I have decided to write my favorite actors and ask for help. My keyboard is not co-operating this morning. I will be placing the letter "v" in places where the previous letter would go. My husband fell from a ladder at work five years ago and injured his shoulders and hip. He has had two surgeries and is not able to do the work he did before. We have been hopeless, hungry, and straggling to pay basic bills and keep food. I work at an emergency hospital for animals in NC. I have always worked, and so did he until the accident. If you can and would help in any way - please let me know.
Betty beck 919-339-5386,
Roxboro NC

Paul J Rubottom says:

Posted on Aug 27, 2016 at 01:18 PM

I requested a signed photo for a friend realized I left my info out Paul Rubottom 1009 W 7th Ave. Emporia Kansas 66801 Thank You.

Paul J Rubottom says:

Posted on Aug 27, 2016 at 05:02 AM

I have a friend who thinks the world of you. I wondered if I could get a signed photo of you for her. I would appreciate it and she would be hestatic. Thanks Paul

Amy Sander says:

Posted on Aug 26, 2016 at 10:53 PM

Are you ever available to have a real conversation with someone about adoption? No cameras, no interviews, just dinner conversation.

Maria Vieira says:

Posted on Aug 23, 2016 at 06:54 PM

Dear Angelina
My name is Maria Vieira. I am an Angola living and working in the UK for the past 26 years. Recently I became an activist to CASA-CE. Because they offer an alternative of Governance, contrary to the MPLA. The opposition movements in Angola succeeded in calling for elections, which will take place next year. However the procedure for the elections is far from transparent, just and free. The CNE (commission for the National elections), is under the control of Jose Eduardo dos Santos himself. More specifically Casa Militar (his intelligence and security services). Often, people that try to protest against corruption, tyranny and poverty are either arrested, beaten or shot. We have evidence to support these. I'm very aware of your work regarding Africa. How passionate you are against those issues above raised. So that we could, with your support find a way forward. We envisage a coordinated protest march around the free world. In order to put pressure on the UN. To consider condemning such electoral procedure. In the case of no compliance on the MPLA's behalf.

kamran says:

Posted on Aug 23, 2016 at 08:36 AM

Hi Mrs. Angelina Jolie...
I hope you are fine condition
What can you do to help the needy?
I'm living in Iran
Your foreign currency account can transfer money to my account?
I'm here to actually help the needy
I want to be an intermediary between you and the needy Iran ...


Posted on Aug 23, 2016 at 05:52 AM

Hi Angelina I know everyone come to for help I don't know if this is the real yo or your website or not but I really need you to open your heart and help me and my for kids they're 7 yrs old, 6 yrs old, 3 yrs old and a 1 yrs old we been homeless for months now we sleeping in the small van I'm a special ads mother right now I'm staying at the church they're very kind but they need their place back to put kids in school I understand we don't know where we're going next none of my kids are school like every other kids I'm 28 years old I'm half Vietnamese and KHMER I Don't have a parents since I was little I live in the foster HOMES, I'm writing you this with tears please open your kindness heart to help me and my kids have a place where we can call home my old van is always broke down... I can give you the church address where I'm staying at right now 314 Township Ave
Cincinnati, OH 45216 Thank you god bless you and your whole family!!

Ramon O. Duarte Jr. says:

Posted on Aug 21, 2016 at 12:03 PM

Hello Angelina Jolie your one of my actor's my
favorite movie is Mr.and Mrs. Smith I love action movies and that had a lot, but i mostly
like how you go out & touch peoples lives
especially when go and adopt kids who don't have dad and mom to me that's very touching.
For a child with no parents and then adopting them it's like opening a present and even better when smile at you and they say mommy. You see i need your help since my dad past away 3yrs ago and my mom's
brother 2yrs ago plus my niece 2 yes ago as
well it's been real hard on us, especially me
cause way before dad past I've been having
trouble walking cause i have a tare in my left
knee probably happened when i young but i
had to move in with my parents because of
it and with knee like that I'm unable to work.
Right now I have to have that free insurance
and my mom is asking if i can some how
come up with $300, I'm asking if you can
please help me with $650 this way i can pay
her little by little for 3 months I'm sure by then
i will be okay just need to keep going to
therapy my home address is 15966 Wyand

Steven West says:

Posted on Aug 21, 2016 at 07:11 AM

Hello Angelina
This is shay' s sweetheart , Steven west..I’m so deeply saddened by her continued illness and the fact that I can no longer speak to her due to her last stroke..It’s most certain her kids are in excellent care with you and brad...
Marrying shay was a sweet dream and now it's shattered....this deeply heroic woman ...I’m slowly writing her bio, a titan for the children.
Yes, her life has been most extraordinary...
Of course you know that...
I'm just reaching out to somehow connect with the kids surly brad is a terrific dad to nabi...that boy has a true heart of gold. I so wanted to be his daddy........
I could go on but I’m not sure this note will find your eyes.
Deepest blessings


Posted on Aug 19, 2016 at 08:36 PM

Mrs Jolie, I am a registered nurse and am trying to help in the refuge camps in the Middle East. I am an experienced nurse currently working in ICU at Methodist hospital in San Antonio TX. I have tried to reach out to MSS and find out how I can help on the field. No luck yet and I am frustrated with all the walls in front of me. Can you help me get in contact with the refugee camps in Jordan or anywhere in the Middle East? I know you are involved in the region. Please help me! My heart is in pain and can't stand not doing anything about it. The children in Syria. Hope you get to read this. Razieh Izad 210-445-2585. 3942 pleasure hill Dr. San Antonio TX 78229. And my email:

habbi says:

Posted on Aug 19, 2016 at 05:04 PM

I don´t believe but I am trying it.
waiting for reply Habibi
00491786099647 this about mother this about kind this about humanity life this about everyone you should be see my story I don't need money I need my story I need my life please let me work with you...

habibi says:

Posted on Aug 19, 2016 at 04:52 PM

Dear lovely misses in would,

this is Sayed Ahmad Siar Habibi 25 year old from Afghanistan but jet I am German Afghani So, i need your help I have one story my story and like to show this the would please bring this story in a film. I trust you only..

thank yon

Toni clarke says:

Posted on Aug 15, 2016 at 01:22 AM

We are organising a charity event on the 10th September at the highwayman in woodlands, Doncaster to raise money for Great Ormand Street Hospital and the sick children's trust in memory of a little girl named Lydia Patrick who sadly passed away.
Lydia was born with pulmonary atresia, VSD and alagille syndrome which affected her heart and liver, she had multiple surgeries however unfortunately contracted an infection resulting in sepsis and needed emergency surgery at G.O.S.H to save her life. Lydia fought for 3 months but sadly passed away on 5.7.16.
We was wondering if you could help it would be greatly appreciated.

Also our event link for the charity event is

Thank you


Posted on Aug 12, 2016 at 03:25 PM

Is it possible to get financial help from Angelina Jolie, the spectrum because of the circumstances that we are experiencing and the country in wars now although I holds a Bachelor and I certificate there is no work because of the war, is it possible to get financial help to make or keep up with the future and thank you and excuse me the hassle you very much..

Rebecca J says:

Posted on Aug 10, 2016 at 04:48 AM

I am Rebecca and I've been your fan ever since I watched Maleficent. I think you are a kind and lovely woman who represents the female gender in a positive light. You are the light and inspiration to everyone in the world. Whether you want to do a sequel to Maleficent or not, you're still wonderful. That aside, I'd like to know what you think about climate change. Have you considered becoming an environmentalist? I'm just asking because you seem like the kind of woman who would care. I'll ask you this also; how did you become an activist and what motivated you to become one? What wold be your advice if I wanted to become an activist someday?

jane says:

Posted on Aug 09, 2016 at 11:26 PM

Hi ma,
Am a mother of three kids, am 27 years old, please I need help to finish my studies in nursing, I finished my nursing diploma 5 years ago, i need financial help to do my bsc, please ma help me no matter how small, I will appreciate, I adore you a lot too,

Numan Khan says:

Posted on Aug 09, 2016 at 02:43 PM

Hi Miss,
My self Numan Khan.
And i am 16 years old. I am your big fan, i have request to you that i am the student of class 1st year and i want to complete my education but i have not much resources.
And i belong is a poor family and they can't support me.
So please i need your help for completing my education.

Rizwan Haider says:

Posted on Aug 07, 2016 at 10:03 AM

Respected mam I am from Pakistan having llb in bachelor I am orphan living in critical condition I need your help please oblige me
Thanks for anticipation.

Louise says:

Posted on Aug 02, 2016 at 10:23 PM

Angelina, I'm writing to you for help. I am a 57 year old woman who would like to offer the rest of my life to help orphans and women who are in desperate need of care anywhere in the world. I want to make a difference. I have no fear for my life. Could you give me some guidance as to whom I may contact?

Tooba says:

Posted on Aug 01, 2016 at 10:35 PM

Hi dear mam:
I always read about you in news I appreciate your work. I am Tooba a Afghan woman that work as a doctor in a Afghan refugee camp. Now all afghan refugee are going to Afghanistan I can not go before I lost my one son there. I passed four C.S for each child.
I have a lot experience to work with refugee problem. please help me for resettlement in another country to save my child. mam I want take in detail and also help you in refugee mater. thanks for your kindness.

Yainara Arias says:

Posted on Jul 31, 2016 at 07:12 PM

Good morning.

Dear, Angelina

I really don't know how to start this letter, is so much that I would like to say. I have a great respect and admiration for you. I know that you have a very busy schedule but I would like to schedule an appointment to speak with you. I'm very scare and confused. I don't even trust our own president.


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