Contact information of Dancing With the Stars

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Conatct detail of Dancing With the Stars

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    c/o CBS Television City, 7800 Beverly Blvd., Bungalow #1, Los Angeles, California 90036, USA

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comments (47) on Dancing With the Stars


Posted on Nov 25, 2019 at 11:30 PM

Susie Hdak says: Very disappointed in your show this season. I have watched every season but this season too much drama and not happy with the outcome.

It seems a little strange that the winner just happens to be on another ABC show which was advertised several times tonight.

The professional dancers are fabulous, the hosts excellent and the judges are terrific. But this season....just a little questionable.


Posted on Nov 05, 2019 at 10:51 AM

Peggy Sexton says: I have been a loyal fan of the show since the inception.
I have disliked the favoritism displayed toward right-wing politicians... This season is beyond despicable!

It's no longer a show for's strictly political propaganda! Shame! Shame! Shame! I will no longer watch this program!!!


Posted on May 26, 2018 at 08:15 PM

David says: Very disappointed with the four episode dancing with the stars.
Not worth watching.

A request

Posted on Nov 26, 2016 at 12:31 PM

Suzanne Schneider says: Dear Dancing With the Stars,

Please have Tony Dovolani back next season. He is a good dancer, and a good sport when paired with a celebrity who is clearly not. He always has a great smile and seems like a nice person. Please re-hire him.

Presenting an idea

Posted on Nov 25, 2016 at 03:35 PM

Juanita Jones says: Dear producers this is my third time trying to post a message so I am going to make it short this time. Live your show, judges and professional dancers especially, Val. Anyway, I have an idea for next seasons show. How about adding an extra dancer not a star but a regular person like doctor, police etc. Call the show, DWTS + 1. Give people on the outside a chance. Thank you.

Sharing an idea

Posted on Nov 24, 2016 at 09:11 AM

Harold Branstetter says: I would love to see Peyton Manning on Dancing With the Stars. He would draw a huge audience. I have mentioned it to others and they love the idea as well.

Praise as a fan

Posted on Nov 24, 2016 at 01:58 AM

Shelley Jonas says: Thanks for bringing Makes back. He brings me joy to watch him dance, and that smile. He is my favorite. He was on a lot last night on the final. Thanks. Made my day.


Posted on Nov 23, 2016 at 01:42 PM

Maria Rangel says: Dear Dancing with the Stars,
I understand your show is about giving more opportunity and money to those that already had a great chance of opportunity to be a star already in life. But what about the others?
There are millions of young children all over the world that are amazing dancers if not better than Lori Hernandez. Why not go around and try to gather other people who do not have money and teach them the basics and turn them into stars. People who never had a chance in life. People in Africa or the poor kids of the Mediterranean. Why only rich people get more star life and more money? There are hundreds of others waiting and trying to get discovered who do not have the money. Why not help them instead and make them fabulous?
Love is worldwide. We are all one. So why not give those who are not famous and have money a chance? Take the poorest kid you can find in the world, bring him to America and turn them into something great. Make them dancers. Just think about it.

Views about show

Posted on Nov 21, 2016 at 08:40 AM

Pamela Dobson says: Obviously, James Hinchcliffe is amazing, but no one gave Jenna Johnson the credit. She deserved when she filled in for Shawna Burgess. She was phenomenal and should have been given a lot more credit for what she and James accomplished. Their halloween waltz took my breath away. I can't stop watching it.

Sharing emotions

Posted on Nov 20, 2016 at 09:49 PM

Anita Murphy says: I love Dancing With the Stars and never miss a season. Always looked at it as a dancing competition. There have been some sad moments, some wow moments, some ridiculous moments over all the seasons but I think the best heart touching moment ever was the interview with L Hernandez Grandma and then putting on the screen that she passed away. There wasn't a dry eye in the ballroom or in homes. I am positive. It really showed its not just a dance competition. The human touch aspect was outstanding.

A request

Posted on Nov 18, 2016 at 08:26 PM

Tonnia Doran says: There is a singer/entertainer that would love to be on, Dancing With the Stars, his name is Neal McCoy. He would be a perfect celebrity. He is fun, dedicated and an awesome singer to put him on to sing one of his songs. Please consider him and contact at

Praising about the show

Posted on Nov 12, 2016 at 06:47 AM

Bridget Moffat says: Hello,
My name is Bridget Moffat. I have watched Dancing With the Stars alot, whenever I am seeing people out there dancing in the television, I always say to myself one day I will love to be on stage for people to see me dancing. I love to dance alot, most especially when I am in the kitchen and cooking. I dance and listen to a music, I would love to be part of the Dancing With the Star. How do you think that would be possible for me to be part of Dancing With the Stars.

My contact information,
Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

Applying as a contestant

Posted on Oct 31, 2016 at 04:01 PM

Rachel ORTIZ says: I would love to have a chance to be on your show. I watch your show every Monday. I think I would be a performer. I love to dance. I have learned alot by watching.
The reason for my comment is to introduce myself. My name is Rachel Ortiz and I am 43 years old. I am a mother of 5 and a grandmother of 6. I love dancing and I would love to learn new dances. I am a fan of your show and would like to be a contestant. So if you please take it to heart, I would love to be on your show. You should have an episode of normal people. Please think about it and think of me.

Mrs. Rachel Ortiz


Posted on Oct 25, 2016 at 06:16 AM

dan says: Please remove dancer Dereck's sister from panel of judges. It makes the show totally not fair as she always votes higher for her brother. Tonight was a classic example. Get rid of J.Ann.

Recommending a song

Posted on Oct 22, 2016 at 02:54 AM

Ika Simpson says: I would like to recommend a song for the Halloween themed show if its not too late. Its called "Spook-O-Rama" by the group "The Circus Contraption Band" from the CD titled "The Half-Wits Descent". Its perfect for those team dances.


ika simpson

A suggestion

Posted on Oct 19, 2016 at 09:21 AM

Donna Henson says: Hello, Just have a suggestion for someone to have on Dancing With the Stars. Country singer Neal McCoy.

Views about show

Posted on Oct 19, 2016 at 04:53 AM

Elaine says: After years of sticking with faithful watching of Dancing With the Stars, my family made the decision this season that we will no longer be watching. It has become way too raunchy, dirty and has no values for families. It has got more worse through the years. Congratulations on becoming just one of the many other trashy shows out there.

Giving a suggestion

Posted on Oct 12, 2016 at 05:39 AM

Hazel says: Derek, you have always been very innnovative and creative. With Maril pick an episode (in her past history), experiences or objects. Pair the experiences and objects with segments of the dance chronogically (time/tempo).
With each segment/key point in the right order. She can then remember/match the sequence of movements to the dance.
Good luck.

Patricia Lose says:

Posted on Oct 08, 2016 at 12:31 PM

Why is that disgraceful, cowardly Ryan Lochte on? From what I have read I won't watch it with him. He can't dance. He needs to watch "The Talk" from October 4, 2016.

Erica says:

Posted on Oct 04, 2016 at 06:44 AM

The issue with Amber Rose is still unsettled. It seemed to be a plot which she used to put the judges on the defensive so that she would get better scores. Lots of contestants on that show struggle through and do well.

Jena Dickerson says:

Posted on Oct 04, 2016 at 06:16 AM

I would surely like to see Neal McCoy on Dancing With the Stars. He posted out the Pledge of Allegiance on Facebook every single morning between 7 and 8 and has done so far the last 9+ months. Please have him on the show.

Jane says:

Posted on Oct 04, 2016 at 05:51 AM

I think 'Dancing with the Stars' is a great way to unite different races, ethnic groups and cultures. Listening to music and learning the dances of another culture could really unite the world.

daviddugger says:

Posted on Sep 27, 2016 at 06:09 AM

I think it is a disgrace to have Ryan on your show. I will not watch because of this. I hope every American changes channel.

Carol Alvey says:

Posted on Sep 23, 2016 at 06:15 AM

I love the costumes on Dancing With the Stars. No matter how skimpy or way out they are but I gasped when Jenna came out in the cat costume. I gasped, and I may be the only one, but the way the color of the fringe and the way it hung it looked like pubic hair. I certainly hope that costume doesn't have 9 lives.

Aretta Raines says:

Posted on Sep 23, 2016 at 02:05 AM

I am a teacher at PBHS of a beautiful little 5 year old, William who was diagnosed with Ewing's sarcoma in his leg on his 5th birthday. His mother noticed his leg swelling and thank goodness took him to the doctor. William loves to dance and watch Dancing with the Stars. Due to his treatment, his mom had to resign from her teaching position. The family may have to give up their house. I am sending this email to see if they can grant him a life dream of attending a show.

Shauna says:

Posted on Sep 21, 2016 at 08:41 AM

My daughter and I watched this show every week and each season. She became a fan when we watched it during her year of stay in the hospital. She loves Derek. If you ever want to make a dream come true, set up a meet and greet with her and Derek. She asks every year to go to Dancing With the Stars shows. We love the show.

cade says:

Posted on Sep 20, 2016 at 06:56 AM

Can I send a suggestion for a person you should try to get on Dancing with the stars? He is called to be a great person. He is a current world record holder with multiple gold medals at the winter games in aspen, colorado. Let me know, if you have any interest in contacting him. Thanks.

RJ says:

Posted on Sep 13, 2016 at 08:53 PM

What a dissapointment/fiasco!! Whatever posessed you all to have such a despicable person on your show. He is not an example we want our youth looking up to. He has not only dishonored himself, but what a slap in the face to the Olympics, Brazil, & the Unoted States!!! SHAME ON YOU RYAN LOCHTE!!## I will not be watching

Kathy. A swim mom says:

Posted on Sep 13, 2016 at 07:32 AM

There's a wonderful side to Ryan Lochte. I attended Olympic Trials 2012 in Omaha and my friend and I were sitting behind the award stand. Ryan came off the medal ceremony and gave my friends 14 year old daughter his Olympic Trial medal. He told her to keep it. Ryan later ran into her little brother in the hotel lobby and immediately agreed to take many pictures with her very large family, probably taking over a dozen pictures. He is known to almost miss an event because he will NEVER turn a child away from asking for a picture or his autograph. He works at swim clinics and is polite, humble, and kind.
Ryan Lochte is an example of a good person who made a mistake.

Joann Miztani says:

Posted on Sep 05, 2016 at 10:06 AM

I completely disagree that you chose RYAN LOCHKE to dance. He is a complete disgrace and does not represent character and forthrightness. I will not be watching.

Mary says:

Posted on Sep 02, 2016 at 01:52 AM

LOTKE? Really? A total and complete embarrassment to his fellow Olympians and the United States, lost all endorsements, and NOW HE'S ON YOUR SHOW! Never ever watch your show again!

Mara Buza says:

Posted on Aug 31, 2016 at 11:30 PM

Dear Producers:
It is with a great deal of sadness that I write this email. For the first time in 23 seasons my family and I will NOT be watching DWTS. We have watched as a family for years and have stuck with the show even though there were changes we didn't like, but I figured you were staying current with societal trends and trying to reach out to younger adults. This season, I cannot stay quiet. Having Lyin' Ryan Lochte on your show is too much. I understand and that you were in negotiations before his stunt in Rio, but you should have cancelled him. He is a terrible role model and a pathetic excuse for a person the way he left those younger swimmers in Rio to deal with the mess HE created. His immaturity and need for attention not only caused an international incident, it made Americans look bad to the world and took attention away from deserving athletes. I would have enjoyed seeing Mareen McCormick and especially Laurie Hernandez, but I cannot support anything to do with Lyin Ryan. Hopefully, your judgment will be better in the future.

Roxy says:

Posted on Aug 31, 2016 at 02:20 AM

I am very disappointed by your decision to have ryan lochte on dwts. He is a coward, who should have returned to Brazil to face the charges. No to ryan lochte.
Roxy well

Donna Snow says:

Posted on Aug 27, 2016 at 03:09 AM

If you have Brian Lochte on your show this season I will never watch again! He's a criminal and a disgrace to America! Please don't do it-I don't want to stop watching DWTS. I love your show!

mike walker says:

Posted on Aug 26, 2016 at 02:52 AM

If you put that loser from the Olympics I'm not going to say his name I'm done watching the show to shame I really loved it to...

Tracy says:

Posted on Aug 25, 2016 at 11:04 PM

I cannot believe want to pit that latke, on your show after he made the USA, look bad in the host country. He shamed all the wonderful other athletes and lied, his arrogance, was appalling, shame on you, and the show for even considering him. I will never watch it again if he appears on it, as well as many other ppl. I’ve spoken to.

Herman Pittman says:

Posted on Aug 25, 2016 at 07:24 AM

Dancing with the Stars:

My wife and I have been fans and have watched your show from the beginning. We have enjoyed all the celebrity contestants with very few exceptions. I read on the Internet that Ryan Lochte will be appearing on the show in the coming season. Both my wife and I are very disappointed that Lochte will be part of the show. He embarrassed himself, his team mates and most of the American fans who follow and enjoy the Olympics.
Maybe you should reconsider his participation.

Herman Pittman

Kevin Henson says:

Posted on Aug 23, 2016 at 05:33 AM

Hello, please add my Legendary friend Debbie Sledge of Sister Sledge to this season cast. She is awesome. One of the sweetest and brightest stars you will ever meet. Debbie would be great for the show,and you would love her.

Lori Scott says:

Posted on May 29, 2016 at 01:26 PM

I so enjoy your show, and have never missed one show. But my question is why do they always get stars, athletes. I think you ought too try to possibly look into us people out in the world that would so much enjoy being part of this tradition. It would be such a honor. Please email me on why outside folk never get the chance. Dosent seem such a bad thing.

Thanks for your time,
Lori Scott

Dawn says:

Posted on May 20, 2016 at 05:10 PM

I don't know this person but this girl should be a contestant

Donna Avant says:

Posted on May 12, 2016 at 06:14 PM

I wanted to say that I have been a faithful viewer of Dancing With The Stars since the show started. Every season I see more and more of the handicapped "star dancers" staying on the show too long, staying when better dancers are sent home. I think these dancers are amazing by even trying to do the dances and they are very good at what they are limited to and capable of doing. I think it is wrong to keep them on the show because they have a handicap. Prime example is Jodie Sweeten leaving and Nyle's staying. He is very good bt Jodie is the better dancer. He is still there because he is deaf. Not fair to the others and I think I am done with Dancing With the Stars.

Rebecca Wiesenthal says:

Posted on Apr 26, 2016 at 09:31 AM

With the vast library of Beatles and/or Paul McCartney music, why don't you have this for a theme night, and perhaps even have Paul McCartney as a guest judge?

vicki says:

Posted on Apr 18, 2016 at 12:02 AM

i think that is would be awesome to see Steve Harvey or Wayne Brady on he dancing with the stars. thanks

vicki says:

Posted on Apr 15, 2016 at 09:08 PM

I really think that Steve Harvey and Wayne Brady are great contestants to be on dancing with stars. Something to consider.

Elaine Snyder says:

Posted on Apr 13, 2016 at 07:40 PM

I have watched dancing with the stars from the beginning. When you changed from the great orchestra to the "band", it has never been the same. The band is very weak and takes all of the fun out of watching the program. Also, I don't know who selects the music, but I have rarely heard any of them. No matter how good the dancing is, you have lost me as a fan by selecting music unknown to me. It is sad because this was my favorite program when the orchestra and music were so powerful.

D J Tynan says:

Posted on Apr 05, 2016 at 06:41 PM

I have been a fan of Dancing with the Stars since the first show! I feel it was inappropriate and disrespectful for one of the competing couples to dance to our National Anthem. This is the TOP song song representing our country and should be performed/heard with the utmost respect.
Djt Tynan

Jessie Holmes says:

Posted on Jan 14, 2016 at 02:48 AM

I would like to be a contestant. I am not a major celebrity. However, i am somewhat a celebrity in city where i live. It is a dream of mine to one day dance on this show. I have watched for years and I know and believe in my ability to compete.


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