Contact information of Columbia Records

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If you are seeking the contact number detail of Columbia Records, then we love to help you. We are here to answer your questions like how to contact Columbia Records, what is the email id of Columbia Records, what is the phone number of Columbia Records, office address, fax number, social profiles and many more. Through this article we are trying to share all those sources through which you can easily contact Columbia Records. Below we are showing the complete detail of Columbia Records, you are requested to look below

Conatct detail of Columbia Records

  • Address

    No 550, Madison Avenue, 24th Floor, New York, USA

  • Contact Number


  • Email Address

  • Website

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comments (16) on Columbia Records

Regarding a record deal

Posted on Nov 15, 2016 at 06:51 AM

Jamaya says: Hello,
My name is Jamaya and I love to be a singer. I sing in the church. I am ten years old and I go to school. I am from Rock Island. I moved with my father. Could you please sign me?

shirley says:

Posted on Sep 29, 2016 at 08:10 AM

Good afternoon, my name is Shirley and I am 17 years old. Please read the song which I wrote and if you like it please let me know about it. I want to become a star and I am just a teenager who dreams of looking his dream come true.
Please read the song and help me. Thanks.

I am in my room watching the city
imagining a life of all
dreaming that will be unforgettable
but the fear of falling is great

I just want to follow
I just want to feel the wind in my
I just want to be me
only that
I only want love
to be loved

I just want to be happy,
and the music takes us by the hand
and I will tell stories of love and sadness
but we will be happy
This is a true story
this will be true

I only want love
only to be loved
I want everyone to hear each letter of this song
who feel the same as me alone
I write songs in my room watching the city
looking every second
every second
Only this is what I will do

I just want to be happy
I just want just that
I write songs in my room
search the city and imagine how beautiful this story
only that alone
I will

Adrian Pantel says:

Posted on Sep 28, 2016 at 10:50 PM

Dear ladies and gentlemen,

For a research project, I am extremely interested in finding information on where the cover photograph of the Simon and Garfunkel's greatest hits was taken? The recording was released by Columbia Records on June 14th, 1972.

I would really appreciate knowing the precise location the image was taken at.

My very best wishes,
Adrian Pantel,

Jack says:

Posted on Sep 24, 2016 at 06:42 AM

I was wondering, if I may talk to someone about licensing the rights to a song by the band, Alice In Chains. That is through Columbia Records.

Eric Williams says:

Posted on Sep 09, 2016 at 05:20 AM

I'm doing a research art book on album covers. I wanted to get your permission to use earth wind and fire covers all @ all, raise, power and I am.

Moesha Miller says:

Posted on May 02, 2016 at 01:27 AM


My name is Moesha Miller, I have recently been searching up the web on to start my singing career, even though it seems to be hard without having a guide or an agent. But anyways I was wondering maybe if I can get in contact with someone in the music industry, I can hopefully get a audition or someone to find me and use me as new talent. If I can find someone to talk to that would be great. Here is my number and email if you guys are able to contact me.


Justin Gavin says:

Posted on Apr 29, 2016 at 08:44 PM

Greetings, I have an original Dave Brubeck, "Time Out" album, (cs 8192). Side B has the proper label, but when played it turns out to be Robert Goblet from his hit album from the same year. Was this anomaly common?

Rhyme Mason says:

Posted on Apr 27, 2016 at 12:03 AM

there is this amazing artist that plays small shoes where i live her name is Blair Total.

Nande Nombila says:

Posted on Apr 13, 2016 at 03:17 PM

My name is Nande Nombila and I was wondering how I can send my demo to you since I live in South Africa and if there are any auditions or talent scouts that are looking for new talent.

Sesar says:

Posted on Mar 25, 2016 at 10:51 AM

Hello! My name is Sesar Rodrigez. I am looking for help as to where I can obtain permissions for a remix I want to make. its the Faded remix by ZH. I believe the text comment box does not let me type in the last letter of the Artist's name. I'd appreciate it if I was emailed back. I really want to make this happen, and I'd appreciate it if the label allowed it to me for my remix. Thanks and please contact me.

Tom Hayward says:

Posted on Feb 25, 2016 at 07:13 PM

Hi, my names Tom Hayward i wonder if you can help a Springsteen fan is there any way i can get a poster of a Springsteen tor so that i can place in a frame to go alongside a album i already have in a frame hope you can help if not thanks anyway.

Avital Krifcher says:

Posted on Jan 22, 2016 at 01:23 AM

To those whom it may concern,

My name is Avital Krifcher, and I am currently a junior in high school. I have spent the past 4 months writing a comprehensive essay about Hozier's song "Like Real People Do". I have researched this song through the lens of intimacy, and practically, whether the song that Hozier describes can be considered a "healthy and intimate" healthy relationship. I hope this reaches whomever it can. Reach back to me for the essay.

Primo Pang says:

Posted on Jan 11, 2016 at 02:38 PM

Hello how you guys doing?I was messaging you guys because i do music and wanted to send a song or two so you guys can let me know what you think so if you can get back to me as soon as possible. My number is 5105639452 and my email is My name is primo but you can call me pj.

Cristy Jeffreys says:

Posted on Dec 29, 2015 at 01:26 PM

My new Essential Dixie Chicks CD was very hard to access. The center holding plastic seems to be too large, making it next to impossible to get the CD's off of it. While pressing down to remove Disc 1, Disc 2 cracked (leaving it worthless). Is there any way to get a replacement?

Larry says:

Posted on Dec 23, 2015 at 05:39 AM

Hello , my name is Larry and I am an avid music listener. I received an album (vinyl), of Pink Floyd "The Endless River" as a gift.
Unfortunately, on side 3 the song "On Noodle Street", the album has something that is embedded into the vinyl, approximately 1/8" long. This causes a skip and pops for about 1 minute.
I am unable to return the album as I do not have a receipt and it is an open item. I would gladly send a picture of the flaw and the # of the album that is in the dead wax.
Please let me know if you can help me with this problem.

Beverly Berglass says:

Posted on Nov 17, 2015 at 10:40 PM

I have a CD of Neil Diamond's HOT AUGUST NIGHT performance at Madison Square Garden, 2008 which has become inoperable. It is in very good condition and has not been used for a few years, however, it will not work in two different cars. It is either "spit out" or marked "check disc". Would like to have it replaced and will be happy to mail this CD back to your offices.

Please let me know whom to address it to. Thank you.


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