Contact information of Celine Dion

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57 Reviews
If you are seeking the contact number detail of Celine Dion, then we love to help you. We are here to answer your questions like how to contact Celine Dion, what is the email id of Celine Dion, what is the phone number of Celine Dion, office address, fax number, social profiles and many more. Through this article we are trying to share all those sources through which you can easily contact Celine Dion. Below we are showing the complete detail of Celine Dion, you are requested to look below

Conatct detail of Celine Dion

  • Address

    2540, boul Daniel-Johnson, Bureau 755, Laval, Canada

  • Contact Number

    (450) 978-9555

  • Website

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comments (57) on Celine Dion

From fan

Posted on Nov 29, 2016 at 12:25 AM

Zethembe says: You are the best singer in the whole world. I would love to sing with you one day. You have always been my role model.

Message from fan

Posted on Nov 20, 2016 at 02:46 PM

Vrej Nazar says: Hello,
My name is Vrej Nazar. I am obsessed on you Celine Dion. Your voice is amazing. Love you so much, and my dream is in my life to be your personal hair stylist. Here is my Instagram v_hairstylist and I have 20 years experience. Please contact me at 8186203***. My email is

From a fan

Posted on Nov 19, 2016 at 09:55 PM

Dr. Infinity says: Celine,

This is Dr. Infinity and I am sitting at the library computer in Shelby, North Carolina listening to you singing, "My heart will go on". Just wonderful. This computer is messed up and not allowing me to type properly. Anyway, I have my goal board bucket list to sing this song with you in your Las Vegas theatre. It will be wonderful. Also, I have contacted Maria Howell, who played in the movie, The Color Purple. Her keyboard player was my keyboard teacher. I am trying to meet her and we can sing this song and record it for you. If you go to Youtube and type in Maria Howell also Mickey Chapman then my dream will come true and Jordan Brothers theme song. You will get the picture on me. Love you.


Posted on Nov 06, 2016 at 09:49 PM

mikhael says: Hello Celine, Have you drink in kangen water? Many world famous artists drink it, like Mariah Carey, Beyonce, Demi Moore, Bill Gates, Barack Obama, check it on YouTube.

Looking for a song

Posted on Oct 22, 2016 at 11:14 PM

Llewellyn says: I once heard you sing and a Japanese violinist accompanied you. To me, it was the most wonderful piece of music. Please tell me the name of the song.

Agnesia says:

Posted on Oct 12, 2016 at 01:11 AM

Hello Celine,

Sorry for your loss. I have lost the love of my life on the 12th of January, 2016. I know how you feel. Just a pity that not everyone understands that you can only love once in your life and with that love comes from so deep within yourself and that the loved one that passed on took part of your soul with them. I am a strong girl but I still cry every day and night.

ogbonnaya victor ebuka says:

Posted on Sep 27, 2016 at 05:10 AM

May the Almighty God renew joy,

My name is ogbonnaya victor ebuka. I am from Nigeria and I am your greatest fan. I must say from the bottom of my heart that I am sorry for your lost. I have not being able to write to you due to the hardship I am passing through but I thank God for this day. I will like to say do not be discouraged because life has its own blessings for you. I am victor, your greatest fan. Bye, love you.

Cathleen corrigan says:

Posted on Sep 20, 2016 at 09:49 PM

Hello Celine,
I just wanted to say that I admire you and your commitment towards music and most importantly your commitment and love toward your husband and marriage. I think you are not only a talanted singer but a role model for many old and young. I just wanted to say that I am so excited to hopefully be able to see your show. I am coming to Vegas from Philadelphia with my husband, sister and brother-in-law on Thursday, September 29th and hope to purchase tickets to see you either on Friday or Saturday. It is a gift for my 50th birthday and hope you are not sold out. I am so excited. But again your talent and commitment not only to your profession but towards your family is extraordinary. Thank you for sharing your talent.

Sherri Fischhaber says:

Posted on Sep 20, 2016 at 06:30 AM

I surprised my mom with a trip to Las Vegas for her 75th birthday. I will be at your show this coming Saturday night on September 24th. Please give a shout out to Anne Foster for her 75th birthday. It will be a dream come true for her to see you and your beautiful show. Thank you so much. This is her daughter Sherri. We love you, take care.

Linda Miles says:

Posted on Sep 12, 2016 at 07:47 AM

I'm one of Celine's biggest fans. I have seen her LV show three times even tho I live in Virginia Beach, VA. I hope that this message reaches Celine personally as I want her to hear a song that I hope she will sing in memory of her wonderful husband and her brother, both who died from head and neck (oral cancer). The song was a gift to, written and performed by my friend, Lorie Streeter. When I told her I wanted Celine to close every show with her song, she was elated. Oral Cancer Case is a non profit started by my friend Robin Morrison and I in 2013. Robin and I have more than 80 combined years in dentistry. We met at a dental conference and discussed her brother Mike who recently died with oral cancer. That same year, 2012....I lost my only sister in law Charlotte, the sweetest person on earth. For some reason one letter will not type and is missing from each word that has that letter..(as in husband) .Since that letter won't type it is in the name of the site above (last word) and it comes before the letter V. Please add that letter in looking ove

Ntombi says:

Posted on Sep 10, 2016 at 12:11 AM

Greetings Ms.Trump,
I'm a girl from the African continent and kindly wanted to ask for your assistance in helping me build a two bedroom house that will eventually lease out. reason am asking you is that I know you a kind hearted human being. I am currently raising my 3 nieces and 1 nephew as my siblings all passed away from different disease. I'm struggling to make ends meet as I am also currently unemployed because have no university/ college education. so I'm truly hoping you will assist me in building this house as I will then lease out to earn a living. Please Ms Dion can you kindly help me am begging you from the depths of my heart. the house am asking you to help build is roughly 250000 emalangeni and if I convert it USD it should be around $ 230 USD. and if you feel like you can't help me please at least give me as a loan, that will be payable once have leased out the house.
Kind Regard,

Susan Woods says:

Posted on Aug 28, 2016 at 01:01 AM

Dear Celine - I know yo are going through (sorry my yo doesn't work). I am about to go throw radiation treatment for six weeks every day for cancer. I have started a book on cancer that i can look at while waiting for treatments. Is it possible yo cold send a message that I can paste in my book? I wold be so appreciative.
Sincerely, Susan - sorry my "yo" as in alphabet doesn't work.

maryann says:

Posted on Aug 16, 2016 at 07:12 AM

Dear Celine Dion so sorry for your loss. I’m such a big fan of yours words can't explain I’m listening to your song as I write to you. I am sure how or if I should be asking you for help. But I know you’re a wonderful human being that helps people in need I Canadian 62 years old who is going through a very difficult time I lost everything I live on 1.280 monthly my story is sad my partner of 9 years transmitted me. I’m traumatized as well as being raped by a neighbor at gun point with 4 other of his friends which I’m in a very deep depression I live with my daughter mom of 3 single I sleep on a sofa things are rough but I ask god to find me an angel of mercy I hope it will be you. I’m in need of $22.622 for a hair transplant which the health care in Canada won't cover I’m Canadian live in Ontario and i'm in $66.580 debts which a family member destroyed my name i have people calling me day and night if you can fibd it in your? To help please god will bless you and your family I don't want to decline my name right now ....I will put “singlem54" hopefully I will get a response from you

Luke Isaac says:

Posted on Aug 15, 2016 at 04:35 PM

Hello Majesty, you are the great role model of our time. I adore you for your profound voice in your music. Your music lives and long may you live. My name is Luke Isaac from Africa (Malawi) currently staying in South Africa but going through rough patch in life. I served in Malawi police services for 5 years and 2 years in G4S Malawi. So i have both a passion and skill to protect clients assets and life but no employment opportunity. Coming from extended family with my children failing to continue school doe due to extreme poverty. I am ONLY on my knees begging for you Majesty to help me financially or with general employment in order for me to manage help my children finish education as everybody knows that education is the key to one's success. My knees are on the ground completely. Patiently looking forward to hear from your HOPEFULLY SOON.

william scriven says:

Posted on Aug 11, 2016 at 08:50 AM

Dear Celine, I am having a birthday party on Friday 12th age. I would love you to come to it and enjoy the food and company. My address is 87a Milton road Widnes Cheshire England wa87jr and your presence would make a lot of sick people with mental illness very well for the day. My party starts at 1 pm British summer time and if you could make it I will write a lovely poem for you.
With much love and respect,
William George scriven tel: 0151 420 0352

Chigozie Okafor says:

Posted on Aug 03, 2016 at 12:10 AM

A great role model to many nations. I adore you. Long may you live. Your reign shall be great.
Happy new month of August ma. You shall not die but live and declare God's goodness. This new month God shall give you all that you hope for.

Great mother, my name is Chigozie Okafor from Nigeria. My knees are on the ground ma,listen to me please. I'm a university graduate but successfully frustrated for six year now since I graduated. I'm jobless. I'm a man of 30 years,unmarried because of joblessness.
The economy of my country Nigeria is so bad. I do an odd job of sweeping hotel compound very early in the morning in order to be able to eat daily. I can't even rent a house. Still perching with my parents in one room apartment.
Since I'm unemployed as a graduate,I have learnt some skills. I want to be an entrepreneur but no capital. Would you be so kind to touch the life of a poor African man? No matter any amount you give me,I will so much manage it well. I want to start up a business of my own.
Great role model, I'm not worthy to talk to you. I'm only on my knees begging for you.

paige says:

Posted on Aug 02, 2016 at 07:47 PM

Hello my name is paige Bloomsmar and I don't know if you will ever read this celine but my mum loved your music she listened to it nearly every day and if I am honest It's one of the things that I remember the most if her listening to your music she recently passed away and I wanted to see if you could sing at my mums furnal I know this is an impossible to get someone like you attention from because so many people write to you every day but I thought that I would at least try.
I know that she would love to hear you sing.
Thank you for your time.
Love paige

Sayeh says:

Posted on Jul 31, 2016 at 02:03 AM

Hi there, I am trying to contact Celine Dion. To ask her the permission to use one of her song called: goodbye is the saddest word for the video that I had made for the loss of my young cousin, to show my deepest sympathy with her daughter. I would really appreciate if she let me use that. Many thanks.

kayla says:

Posted on Jul 30, 2016 at 09:33 AM

I love you
How do I know that?
Cause every time I listen to your songs I cry
I love your personality, you funny I love that about you
I like your smile and your voice
You are special cause your aren't like the other singer you are totally different
Celine I love you
Me to I speak french

teresa says:

Posted on Jul 25, 2016 at 10:06 PM

Hi, I'm trying to reach celine Dion to appear at a fundraiser I am organizing for children around the world to prevent spread of disease and to send the necessary vaccines that they need.

Candice says:

Posted on Jul 24, 2016 at 11:16 AM

Hey Celine, we leave Edmonton tomorrow!! My husband got me tickets to see you in Montreal for Christmas!! It is my dream to see you! I love you so much both as a person and an artist! Your strength is inspiring! I always looked up to you! You got me through so much, and you didnt even know it!! Xoxo

Cynthia Mccluskey says:

Posted on Jul 19, 2016 at 06:35 PM

I wish I had the money to meet Celine Dion i live on disability and cant afford. Celion is very inspirational to me.

Tennesha says:

Posted on Jul 10, 2016 at 05:14 AM

Hello good day my name is Tennesha, I am 29 yrs old I live in Jamaica with my 2 kids and my fiance we are the get married December 17,2016. Am writing to yo asking if you could sponsor my dream wedding I know this might sound strange to you for someone to be asking for sponsor for their wedding, I want to make my big day one to remember for a life time and me and my fiance is financially embarrass and with our date just around the corner and nothing is being finalized I really don't want to cancel our wedding date so am just seeking assistance to make our dream come through.
Thanks in advance a fan

Jeannine says:

Posted on Jul 04, 2016 at 08:04 AM

I trying to arrange for my Granddaughter Clairina Paquette, 16 years old, to see you August the 9th at Bell Center, Montreal. She love to sing your songs, she has a beautiful voice, she's one of your biggest fan. I live in Sturgeon Falls, Ontario and She live in Warren, Ontario Hope to see you August 9, 2016.

janine cope says:

Posted on Jul 04, 2016 at 12:39 AM

my fiance peter and I are coming to see you for the second time in September 22nd in vegas.
He will be celebrating his 50th birthday. Please ld you meet him to make his birthday memorable.
He has everything so this will the perfect gift.

francine says:

Posted on Jul 02, 2016 at 11:37 PM

I wish I could reach the legal team. I ordered tr BELEZZA because they advertised that you recommended that product. off coarse it was an annarck. I have to pay over 400.00 dollars american that the company already charged my credit card. I know that yo wouldn't do anything like this for the fans. Please ask the lawyers to do something of the sit nation. Know people who are pretty poor are on social welfare and off coarse we all like to look like you.

Natalie McElvenny says:

Posted on May 25, 2016 at 07:45 PM

Good Afternoon,

I am glad you going back to LV and i am sorry about the loss of your husband..... In 2013 I bought tickets to see your show in LV - sadly my partner had an accident which lead to neck surgery so we couldn't go. I revoked or trip for December the same but unfortunately we weren't given a refund for your concert as I didn't let them know in time . I explained to so many of your people, the booking agent, etc that it was the last thing on my mind. I emailed or purchased tickets etc But NOONE wold rebook or tickets for DEC. so I couldn't afford another $500 after losing on air flights, hotels etc. I was so disappointed with the treatment I received back then that I didn't get to your concerts and none of your miserable team wold even try help s to rebook.

Very dissapointed Soth African Fan

Mian labor says:

Posted on May 25, 2016 at 04:00 PM

Hi miss celine dion, how are you? am your die-hard fans from Philippines and working here in hongkong as of! How I wish that one of this days you read this message and you hire me as your house maid! God bless you.

Bonnie White says:

Posted on May 20, 2016 at 05:12 AM

Celine: I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my husband four years ago this week and I miss him terribly. He was a very big fan of your
Music and I always knew what You will do ?

Michelle crider says:

Posted on May 19, 2016 at 02:24 AM

Please could you help me
See I have a twin sister whom is terminally I'll and I desperately need 5000 to be able to fly to England ..I have No one to help me ..

Ming Fong says:

Posted on May 14, 2016 at 09:03 PM

Hello Celine,
I promised my wife Tracy, 10 years ago that I would take her to your concert. Haha I am finally fulfilling this long awaited promise, this Tuesday May 17 in Las Vegas. I have never seen your show live before.
I look forward in hearing you.
Yours Truly
Ming and Tracy

David L . Taylor says:

Posted on May 13, 2016 at 11:29 AM

Hello Celine I just wanted to say I'm sorry for your loss of your brother and your husband, if you ever need someone to talk to or to pray with I'm here. You are my sister in Jesus Christ and I love you, I wish for yours. well through these hard times and I will keep you in my pray.

Angela Zelenkovich says:

Posted on May 13, 2016 at 07:43 AM

Warm & Gracious Greetings ~ I mailed a special card of sympathy to Ms. Dion recently to an address in California. It was to Special Artists Agency hoping she might receive it in better time than if I had sent it to her to Quebec address. Alas I just got it returned to me and am sad she hasn't received it yet. So I will resend it to your address and if you would kindly forwarded it to her, I will certainly appreciate it so very much!! She's so special and we love her, especially me, since she was so gracious to meet with me before one of her Caesar's Palace shows a couple of years ago on my birthday! I will never forget that or her!

God bless & heartfelt thanks again!
Angela Zelenkovich

Natalie Denise says:

Posted on Apr 28, 2016 at 08:13 PM

Sorry, for your loss. By the way my mother wants to know if you are bringing any more stuff out as we haven't got any recent stuff out over here. we live in Blackpool, England.

Elsie says:

Posted on Apr 24, 2016 at 07:46 AM

Hi, Celine Dion, I hope everything is fine for and I will keep you in prayer because you really mean to me. I have been using your name for my personal Password.

Anonymous says:

Posted on Apr 23, 2016 at 03:34 PM

I lost my mother in 1999, when I was only 4 years old. She was a huge fan of Celine Dion. She even named her second daughter Celine. I too have always been a huge fan. There was a home video of my mother singing My Heart Will Go On and ever since I've seen that, I have always felt a connection with my mother. Listening and singing to Celine Dion is the only time I really feel like she is still with me. I'm not sure if this will actually go to the real Celine but I would just like to share my gratitude and thank you for helping me through the unexplained.

From a loving fan.


Posted on Apr 18, 2016 at 11:01 PM

again we begin we will play singe and make the films
again call to James Cameron contact to Arnold and remember the Great James Horner
again come back to Titanic remember the Great James Horner look to the Great James Horner picture(image)
again come back to me and send to me the best lovely word -wear the best blue dress and sing for me-alone me!!-
again we meet together -kissing lovely and again you sing for me just for me!!
the first moment for us (we) as soon...


Posted on Apr 18, 2016 at 10:46 PM

Hi, again come back to me- wear the best white dress- come to me my great lovely
We will together in 2016 cannes.
We again begin -I play the (TAR) in Chahargah mahoor and Rastpnjgah.
and yo.. will singing again
come back my great love again come to me and sing again:
every night in my dreams....
come back to the great departed the great (James Horner)
again remember :
The great ace of base James Horner contact to James Cameron call to the great Arnold schwarzengger
again we singing playing and:
make the films -
again we look at far and come back the past-
the moment of the first meet as soon in cannes 2016
for more know contact to me
I waiting for you..

mark paganetti says:

Posted on Apr 10, 2016 at 10:36 AM

mark paganetti, i love everything about you i wish you where mine.

michael sadaska says:

Posted on Apr 07, 2016 at 11:46 PM

I am a big fan of Celine Dion and I am physically challenged! And I wrote her a letter to ask for an autograph and I haven't heard anything yet and in September 20, 2008 my mother passed away from congested heart failure and I
Went down hill after that. And now I am a hot wheels hunter who chases after these rare cars!and now I have my
Own you tube channel! So I really appreciated if she could sign me an autograph, and I am very nervous around
Certain problems!

Esther Lumbala says:

Posted on Mar 06, 2016 at 07:03 AM

Hi Celine, i have an urgent message for you.
This is from God please contact me as soon as you read this message. i know you going trough a lot of pain since you lost your husband, let me tell you one thing Celine the world will never give you peace of mind no body can heal your pain except God. call me urgently on my contact number 951-425-0859 my name is Esther, i have been looking how to contact you hopefully you will read this.

Jacqeline says:

Posted on Mar 06, 2016 at 03:12 AM

I have purchased tickets for your concert on August 1st. I have been a fan of yours for 20+ years. You have been on my bucket list and now I am finally able to attend your concert! I have shared your battles and most recently your losses. My mother passed away in February and left me in her will enough to go to your concert.
I am a teacher and your name has always come up as a special Canadian!

Claudia Cole Evans says:

Posted on Feb 06, 2016 at 04:06 AM

Celine if you are looking for songs, my daughter Claudia is a young brilliant songwriter. She is 19 and has been writing songs since she was 11. She has several songs written. I think she knows how to get in touch with her emotions and reflect them in her songs. If you and your team would like to hear some of them, please let us know.

I am so sorry for your loss, our prayers and blessings go out to you and your family.

Caro says:

Posted on Jan 31, 2016 at 02:11 AM

Hello Celine, ever since I heard your voice I loved your singing, I have been trying to hit your high notes and reaching where you have been , I adore you for you are a strong woman and I wish you all the best for the future, you might never see this message but I hope you do , lots of love from a huge fan ( my fawe song is Loved me back to life and Unfinished songs)

Melecio Remigio says:

Posted on Jan 29, 2016 at 06:10 AM

I never had a chance to say: My condolences be with you and your love one.

You have it now.

I try to find the right words to give when a love one had left to never return; but being a prestigious man the wife of Celine Dion I felt small, block.

Celine, never forget Christ. Never forget that he is a call to help. He's always there for you.

May The Angel of Jehovah's be with you. And his Holy Spirit healing your heart.


Melecio Remigio

Rhonda Boccanfso says:

Posted on Jan 26, 2016 at 01:57 AM

Dear Celine,

Love the whole family.

If there is a need to speak with someone -- call me


Sue Lotano says:

Posted on Jan 19, 2016 at 09:31 PM

My prayers are with you and your family. I know the days ahead will be difficult and the journey has not been easy for you but you will see your husband in your children and find strength in the beautiful love you shared. Know that a piece of your heart went with him and a piece of his heart will remain with you always. He will be an angel watching over all of you and giving you strength each day. God Bless You. Sue Lotano

Don Cobb says:

Posted on Jan 18, 2016 at 01:34 AM

Hi Celine, I am so very sorry for your loss of you Husband and Brother! I lost my mom 2 yrs ago and know what loss is! That empty feeling of them not being there to talk to anytime you want to. They have gone to a better place and will never be forgotten. I wish you peace and Gods grace to help you through this most difficult time.

Anne Langdon says:

Posted on Jan 16, 2016 at 10:31 PM

I wish to express my deepest condolences to you and your family for your loss. I understand how you feel losing a love one from this terrible disease. I lose my mom from pancreatic cancer 10 years coming in August of this year. Again please except my condolences. From Anne Langdon.

Liz Crowe says:

Posted on Jan 15, 2016 at 07:36 AM

Dear Celine,

I am so sorry for your loss. I love you as an entertainer and you have such a beautiful voice. I wish there was something I can do or say to make the pain go away. Wishing you the best. I know it will take time for you and your family. God bless you. Liz

susan stewart says:

Posted on Jan 11, 2016 at 04:59 AM

Hi my daughter Terri has been a fan since she has been very small and she will be 21 yrs old on the 1st March 2016. Terri has 2 loves football and Celine. Unfortunately we are unable to pay to get her and a friend at present to travel to Paris and see her concert so I would request if possible a signed photograph from Celine or a wee letter from her sent to 52 Carleton avenue, Glenrothes Scotland KY7 5AJ IF NOT I UNDERSTAND. I have never asked for anything like this and I am her mother. Thanks Susan

Jimmy Tong says:

Posted on Jan 03, 2016 at 06:22 PM

Please TRY Father Romano Zago' s cancer remedy treatment for Mr. Angelil. I am sorry that I don't have his email address in order to send more information for this treatment. I do not think this comment box allows me to type long story of this Father...
Please TRY to google to find the information for the good treatment...I have prayed to God for this information to come to him and also help him to get healed. One way or another, he has been waiting for dying with his last stage. Why not try this regiment. May God bless him and his family members.
I wish him to get healed soon. JT

Don Ross says:

Posted on Dec 14, 2015 at 04:19 AM

I have a suggestion for a song that fits right into your show. Go on line and type in YOUTUBE. In the search bar type in SEEKERS THE CARNIVAL IS OVER. There is both a black & white and color video of the song. Some of the words are hard to understand, but a printed version of the song is available.
This is one of the most moving song ever recorded. It dated back to 1968, but it's timeless. Please consider this request. Thank You.

Manelle says:

Posted on Nov 06, 2015 at 09:44 PM

Hi, Celine Dion... How are you.? Not sure if you receive emails or reply because you probably get millions of emails a day.
The reason for this email is, i would like to ask for a massive favor. I have my wedding coming up on May 28th 2016 and i would really like a Song For my Father but i can't find one that i love apart from because you loved me.
So, what i am asking is would you be able to make an amazing touching song for my father that has your beautiful voice in it
I want it to be special.
If you get this and you can't do anything, i understand
just know you are amazing regardless Thank you so much.

LINDA says:

Posted on Sep 17, 2015 at 05:22 PM


Debbie Mancini says:

Posted on Aug 24, 2015 at 09:56 PM

Celine my heart is with you as you go through your final journey with your husband. I just lost my husband of 42 years in April and went back to work 10 days later as he wanted. It was the best thing I ever did. Always remember you were his support every step of the way. Love to you both.

jose says:

Posted on Aug 24, 2015 at 09:41 PM

dear celine. I Have always admired your voice. I was surfing the web when i ran into news that your husband was ailing and I wanted to offer you what I know can be of great help to him. the article I read said he hoped to die in your arms and it certainly touched me. It does not have to be that way. Here I am sending you a link to a website that can make the difference between life and death for Rene. I am a very common person with a very big heart and don't need to know people in order to feel for them. So, here is the link I would like you to look up. Look at it this way...neither you or your husband have anything to lose by looking into this. I know it did wonders for me. I believe there is still time for him.


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